deployment_minimum_healthy_percent = 0 //this does the trick, if not set to zero the force deployment wont happen as ECS won't allow to stop the current running task
deployment_maximum_percent = 200 //for allowing rolling update
sudo docker build -t imageX:master . //build your image with some tag
sudo -s eval $(aws ecr get-login --no-include-email --region us-east-1) //login to ECR
sudo docker tag imageX:master <your_account_id><your-image-name>:latest //tag your image with latest tag
因为在 AWS 方面没有任何进展。我将给出一个简单的 python 脚本,它确切地执行在 迪马和 Samuel Karp的高评分答案中描述的步骤。
首先将您的映像推入 AWS 注册表 ECR,然后运行脚本:
import boto3, time
client = boto3.client('ecs')
cluster_name = "Example_Cluster"
service_name = "Example-service"
reason_to_stop = "obsolete deployment"
# Create new deployment; ECS Service forces to pull from docker registry, creates new task in service
response = client.update_service(cluster=cluster_name, service=service_name, forceNewDeployment=True)
# Wait for ecs agent to start new task
# Get all Service Tasks
service_tasks = client.list_tasks(cluster=cluster_name, serviceName=service_name)
# Get meta data for all Service Tasks
task_meta_data = client.describe_tasks(cluster=cluster_name, tasks=service_tasks["taskArns"])
# Extract creation date
service_tasks = [(task_data['taskArn'], task_data['createdAt']) for task_data in task_meta_data["tasks"]]
# Sort according to creation date
service_tasks = sorted(service_tasks, key= lambda task: task[1])
# Get obsolete task arn
obsolete_task_arn = service_tasks[0][0]
print("stop ", obsolete_task_arn)
# Stop obsolete task
stop_response = client.stop_task(cluster=cluster_name, task=obsolete_task_arn, reason=reason_to_stop)