How can I format decimal property to currency?

I want to format a decimal value as a currency value.

How can I do this?

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A decimal type can not contain formatting information. You can create another property, say FormattedProperty of a string type that does what you want.

Properties can return anything they want to, but it's going to need to return the correct type.

private decimal _amount;

public string FormattedAmount
get { return string.Format("{0:C}", _amount); }

Question was asked... what if it was a nullable decimal.

private decimal? _amount;

public string FormattedAmount
return _amount == null ? "null" : string.Format("{0:C}", _amount.Value);

You can use String.Format, see the code [via How-to Geek]:

decimal moneyvalue = 1921.39m;
string html = String.Format("Order Total: {0:C}", moneyvalue);
// Output: $1,921.39

See also:

Below would also work, but you cannot put in the getter of a decimal property. The getter of a decimal property can only return a decimal, for which formatting does not apply.

decimal moneyvalue = 1921.39m;
string currencyValue = moneyvalue.ToString("C");

Your returned format will be limited by the return type you declare. So yes, you can declare the property as a string and return the formatted value of something. In the "get" you can put whatever data retrieval code you need. So if you need to access some numeric value, simply put your return statement as:

    private decimal _myDecimalValue = 15.78m;
public string MyFormattedValue
get { return _myDecimalValue.ToString("c"); }
private set;  //makes this a 'read only' property.

Try this;

  string.Format(new CultureInfo("en-SG", false), "{0:c0}", 123423.083234);

It will convert 123423.083234 to $1,23,423 format.

You can now use string interpolation and expression bodied properties in C# 6.

private decimal _amount;

public string FormattedAmount => $"{_amount:C}";

You can create an extension method. I find this to be a good practice as you may need to lock down a currency display regardless of the browser setting. For instance you may want to display $5,000.00 always instead of 5 000,00 $ (#CanadaProblems)

public static class DecimalExtensions
public static string ToCurrency(this decimal decimalValue)
return $"{decimalValue:C}";

In My case, I have to convert it into decimal as above mentioned I used to string Format method and then parse it to decimal and it works fine for me here is the example.

public decimal Amount;

public decimal_amount;

So I assigned values like this:

Amount = decimal.Parse(String.Format("{0:C}", _amount))