IE8和 JQuery 的修剪()



其中 group_field是文本类型的输入元素。这在 Firefox 中是可行的,但是当我在 IE8上尝试时,它会给我一个错误:

Message: Object doesn't support this property or method

当我删除的饰() ,它的工作在 IE8很好。我认为我使用的方式是正确的饰() ?


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Try this instead:

if($.trim($('#group_field').val()) != ''){

More Info:

You should use $.trim, like this:

if($.trim($('#group_field').val()) !='') {
// ...

As far as I know, Javascript String does not have the method trim. If you want to use function trim, then use


To globally trim input with type text using jQuery:

* Trim the site input[type=text] fields globally by removing any whitespace from the
* beginning and end of a string on input .blur()

Another option will be to define the method directly on String in case it's missing:

if(typeof String.prototype.trim !== 'function') {
String.prototype.trim = function() {
//Your implementation here. Might be worth looking at perf comparison at
//The most common one is perhaps this:
return this.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, '');

Then trim will work regardless of the browser:

var result = "   trim me  ".trim();