
确定一个整数的平方根是否是一个整数 的最快方法

如何判断一个数字是否是 完美的正方形

bool IsPerfectSquare(long input)

我使用的是 C # ,但这是语言不可知的。


编辑: 这比我想象的要复杂得多!事实证明,双精度的问题表现在几个方面。首先,数学。Sqrt 拿了一个不能精确持久的双人床(谢谢 Jon)。

其次,当你有一个巨大的、接近完美的正方形时,一个 double 的精度会丢失很小的值(.000... 00001)。例如,我的实现在这次数学测试中失败了。Pow (10,18) + 1(地雷属实)。

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bool IsPerfectSquare(long input)
long closestRoot = (long) Math.Sqrt(input);
return input == closestRoot * closestRoot;

This may get away from some of the problems of just checking "is the square root an integer" but possibly not all. You potentially need to get a little bit funkier:

bool IsPerfectSquare(long input)
double root = Math.Sqrt(input);

long rootBits = BitConverter.DoubleToInt64Bits(root);
long lowerBound = (long) BitConverter.Int64BitsToDouble(rootBits-1);
long upperBound = (long) BitConverter.Int64BitsToDouble(rootBits+1);

for (long candidate = lowerBound; candidate <= upperBound; candidate++)
if (candidate * candidate == input)
return true;
return false;

Icky, and unnecessary for anything other than really large values, but I think it should work...

bool IsPerfectSquare(long input)
long SquareRoot = (long) Math.Sqrt(input);
return ((SquareRoot * SquareRoot) == input);

In Common Lisp, I use the following:

(defun perfect-square-p (n)
(= (expt (isqrt n) 2)