如何使用 ADB 使用 sendevent 命令向设备发送触摸事件?

我正在尝试使用 AndroidDebugBridge 向设备发送触摸事件,这样我就可以为 UI 测试做一些基本的自动化操作。我已经关注了 链接的讨论。我能够使用 sendevent 在模拟器上模拟触摸,但无法在设备上进行同样的操作。

像上面的链接一样,仿真器似乎每次触摸发送6个事件(xcoord,ycoord,按2,发布2) ,并且很容易使用这些信息来发送事件,但是设备触摸屏上的 getevent 似乎产生了太多的事件。

是否有人设法从 ADB 发送触摸到设备? 请您分享解决方案。

198718 次浏览

Android comes with an input command-line tool that can simulate miscellaneous input events. To simulate tapping, it's:

input tap x y

You can use the adb shell ( > 2.3.5) to run the command remotely:

adb shell input tap x y

Consider using Android's uiautomator, with adb shell uiautomator [...] or directly using the .jar that comes with the SDK.

2.3.5 did not have input tap, just input keyevent and input text You can use the monkeyrunner for it: (this is a copy of the answer at https://stackoverflow.com/a/18959385/1587329):

You might want to use monkeyrunner like this:

$ monkeyrunner
>>> from com.android.monkeyrunner import MonkeyRunner, MonkeyDevice
>>> device = MonkeyRunner.waitForConnection()
>>> device.touch(200, 400, MonkeyDevice.DOWN_AND_UP)

You can also do a drag, start activies etc. Have a look at the api for MonkeyDevice.

In order to do a particular action (for example to open the web browser), you need to first figure out where to tap. To do that, you can first run:

adb shell getevent -l

Once you press on the device, at the location that you want, you will see this output:

/dev/input/event3: EV_KEY       BTN_TOUCH            DOWN
/dev/input/event3: EV_ABS       ABS_MT_POSITION_X    000002f5
/dev/input/event3: EV_ABS       ABS_MT_POSITION_Y    0000069e

adb is telling you that a key was pressed (button down) at position 2f5, 69e in hex which is 757 and 1694 in decimal.

If you now want to generate the same event, you can use the input tap command at the same position:

adb shell input tap 757 1694

More info can be found at:

https://source.android.com/devices/input/touch-devices.html http://source.android.com/devices/input/getevent.html

You don't need to use

adb shell getevent -l

command, you just need to enable in Developer Options on the device [Show Touch data] to get X and Y.

Some more information can be found in my article here: https://mobileqablog.wordpress.com/2016/08/20/android-automatic-touchscreen-taps-adb-shell-input-touchscreen-tap/

Building on top of Tomas's answer, this is the best approach of finding the location tap position as an integer I found:

adb shell getevent -l | grep ABS_MT_POSITION --line-buffered | awk '{a = substr($0,54,8); sub(/^0+/, "", a); b = sprintf("0x%s",a); printf("%d\n",strtonum(b))}'

Use adb shell getevent -l to get a list of events, the using grep for ABS_MT_POSITION (gets the line with touch events in hex) and finally use awk to get the relevant hex values, strip them of zeros and convert hex to integer. This continuously prints the x and y coordinates in the terminal only when you press on the device.

You can then use this adb shell command to send the command:

adb shell input tap x y