如何通过命令和 api 删除节点标签?


$ kubectl label nodes 10.xx.xx.xx key1=val1

如果要在节点(10. xx.xx.xx)上删除 label(key1=val1),如何通过 kubectl 命令和 API 进行删除?

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From kubectl label -h:

Update pod 'foo' by removing a label named 'bar' if it exists.
Does not require the --overwrite flag.
$ kubectl label pods foo bar-

The same works for nodes.

To remove the label you can use

kubectl label nodes 10.xx.xx.xx key1-

create labels for the nodes:

kubectl label node <nodename> <labelname>=allow

delete above labels from its respecitve nodes:

kubectl label node <nodename> <labelname>-

You can remove the label from a single node using the following kubectl command

kubectl label node 10.xx.xx.xx Key1-

If you want to remove the label for all the nodes, use the following command

kubectl label nodes --all Key1-

You can remove label this way

kubectl label nodes <node_name> key1- key2-

eg: kubectl label nodes ip-172-20-22-247 key1- key2-

Below command worked for me to remove label:

kubectl label node <nodename> <label>-

Note: The syntax is a minus sign directly after the key. For example, if the node name is worker1 and the label is system=workernode, you can remove a label with the following command.

kubectl label node worker1 system-

As already mentioned, correct kubectl example to delete label, but there is no mention of removing labels using API clients. if you want to remove label using the API, then you need to provide a new body with the labelname: None and then patch that body to the node or pod. I am using the kubernetes python client API for example purpose

from pprint import pprint
from kubernetes import client, config

client.configuration.debug = True

api_instance = client.CoreV1Api()

body = {
"metadata": {
"labels": {
"label-name": None}

api_response = api_instance.patch_node("minikube", body)

  1. If you want to see existing labels for the nodes kubectl get nodes --show-labels
  2. Then, list the key_name and node_name you want to modify
  3. Then, kubectl label node node_name key_name-

To add a label to kubernetes nodes:

kubectl label node "your-node-name" node-role.kubernetes.io/worker=worker

To remove a label from kubernetes nodes:

kubectl label node "your node-name" node-role.kubernetes.io/worker-

Note: To remove a label put a "-" symbol at the end of your label name

This worked for me. Add Label

kubectl label node <node name> node-role.kubernetes.io/<role name>=<key - (any name)>

Remove label

kubectl label node <node name> node-role.kubernetes.io/<role name>-

For More Info

To add label to your node

kubectl label node ip-172-31-15-136 mynode=tst mnode=ssd

To remove label from your node

kubectl label node ip-172-31-15-136 mynode- mynode-

To remove or re-name use parameter --overwrite e.g

kubectl label nodes node-name --overwrite label-name

To remove a label from all nodes:

kubectl label node --all label-

Notice the - concatenatedto the label without any space.