找不到 GitHub 加入回购的邀请函?

我被邀请加入 GitHub 的回购协议。我在团队领导电脑上看到,我肯定被邀请了。然而,我还没有收到电子邮件,当我登录 GitHub 时,我看不到任何通知。我怎样才能找到我的邀请和加入回购?

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I had an invitation from 6 hours ago but the only way I was able to view it was by going directly to the project page.


Here a screenshot: GitHub Screenshot

Accept is through the email or a project page.

If you got invited to join a GitHub organization (or a team within a organization), then you can see this invite on the following link:

If you want to accept a repository invite, then you can use this schema:

Go to the repo page , if you know the name, by typing it in the url after github.com. Eg. github.com/developersgithubname/projectname. Once there, you can accept or deny the request.

You can get the repository link from the person who invited you and just add /invitations at the end of that URL.



Make sure you are already logged in to the GitHub account for which invitation was sent.

I was trying to add a collaborator who had kept his e-mail private. That meant that he could not receive the invitation either directly via e-mail or by checking his notifications on Github.

Also, the link method suggested above: https://github.com/PUT_ORGANIZATION_NAME_HERE/PUT_REPOSITORY_NAME_HERE/invitations

Gave my collaborator a 404 error. Once they made his e-mail public, all of the above methods worked.

Worth knowing. Tough on newbies!

The same issue was resolved by emailing the invitation, not by the GitHub user account.

So you type out the whole email address of the user in the member invite input field and don't select the user but just invite using the email.

This resolved it for me.

I mistakenly deleted the email sent to me, but then I formatted the URL like so and this worked for me:
