StrFP="my string is awesome file: /hello/world/my/file/path/hello_my_filename.log sweet path bro."
#this regex matches a string not containing / and ends with a period
#then at least one word character
#so its useful if you have an extension
grep -oP "$regex" <<< $StrFP
#alternatively you can get a little more complicated and use lookarounds
#this regex matches a part of a string that starts with / that does not contain a /
##then uses the lazy operator ? to match any character at any amount (as little as possible hence the lazy)
##that is followed by a space
##this allows use to match just a file name in a string with a file path if it has an exntension or not
##also if the path doesnt have file it will match the last directory in the file path
##however this will break if the file path has a space in it.
#to fix the above problem you can use sed to remove spaces from the file path only
## as a side note unfortunately sed has limited regex capibility and it must be written out in long hand.
NewStrFP=$(echo $StrFP | sed 's:\(/[a-z]*\)\( \)\([a-z]*/\):\1\3:g')
grep -oP "$regex" <<< $NewStrFP
#you may notice that the sed replace has gotten really crazy looking
#I just added all of the allowed characters in a linux file path
function Get-FileName(){
local FileString="$1"
local NoExtension="$2"
local FileString=$(echo $FileString | sed 's:\(/[a-zA-Z0-9\<\>\|\\\:\)\(\&\;\,\?\*]*\)\( \)\([a-zA-Z0-9\<\>\|\\\:\)\(\&\;\,\?\*]*/\):\1\3:g')
local regex="(?<=/)[^/]*?(?=\s)"
local FileName=$(echo $FileString | grep -oP "$regex")
if [[ "$NoExtension" != "" ]]; then
sed 's:\.[^\.]*$::g' <<< $FileName
echo "$FileName"
## call the function with extension
Get-FileName "my string is awesome file: /hel lo/world/my/file test/path/hello_my_filename.log sweet path bro."
##call function without extension
Get-FileName "my string is awesome file: /hel lo/world/my/file test/path/hello_my_filename.log sweet path bro." "1"