如何在单元测试之间重置 EF7内存提供程序?

我试图使用 EF7 InMemory 提供程序进行单元测试,但是测试之间 InMemory 数据库的持久性给我带来了问题。

下面的代码演示了我的问题。一个测试会成功,而另一个测试总是会失败。即使我在两次测试之间将 _context设置为 null,第二次测试运行中始终有4条记录。

public class UnitTest1
private SchoolContext _context;

public void Setup()
Random rng = new Random();

var optionsBuilder = new DbContextOptionsBuilder<SchoolContext>();

_context = new SchoolContext(optionsBuilder.Options);
new Student { Id = rng.Next(1,10000), Name = "Able" },
new Student { Id = rng.Next(1,10000), Name = "Bob" }

public void Cleanup()
_context = null;

public void TestMethod1()
Assert.AreEqual(2, _context.Students.ToList().Count());

public void TestMethod2()
Assert.AreEqual(2, _context.Students.ToList().Count());

public class Student
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }

public class SchoolContext : DbContext
public SchoolContext(DbContextOptions options) : base(options) { }

public DbSet<Student> Students { get; set; }
25811 次浏览

The following call will clear the in-memory datastore.


Bit late to the party, but i also ran into the same issue but what i ended up doing was.

Specifying a different database name for each test.


That way you dont have to add


in all your tests

I would go with a combination of both answers. If tests run in parallel, you could have a database being deleted while you are in the middle of running another test, so I was seeing sporadic failures when running a 30+ tests.

Give it a random db name, and ensure it gets deleted when the test is completed.

public class MyRepositoryTests : IDisposable {
private SchoolContext _context;

public void Setup() {
var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder<ApplicationDbContext>()
// Generate a random db name
.UseInMemoryDatabase(databaseName: Guid.NewGuid().ToString())
_context = new ApplicationDbContext(options);

public void Cleanup()
_context.Database.EnsureDeleted(); // Remove from memory

I use a DbContext fixture like the following

public class DbContextFixture
where TDbContext : DbContext
private readonly DbContextOptions _dbContextOptions =
new DbContextOptionsBuilder()
.UseInMemoryDatabase("_", new InMemoryDatabaseRoot())

public TDbContext CreateDbContext()
return (TDbContext)(typeof(TDbContext)
.GetConstructor(new[] { typeof(DbContextOptions) })
.Invoke(new[] { _dbContextOptions }));

you can now simply do

public class MyRepositoryTests : IDisposable {
private SchoolContext _context;
private DbContextFixture<ApplicationDbContext> _dbContextFixture;

public void Setup() {
_dbContextFixture = new DbContextFixture<ApplicationDbContext>();
_context = _dbContextFixture.CreateDbContext();
new Student { Id = rng.Next(1,10000), Name = "Able" },
new Student { Id = rng.Next(1,10000), Name = "Bob" }

public void Cleanup()
_dbContextFixture = null;

public void TestMethod1()
Assert.AreEqual(2, _context.Students.ToList().Count());

public void TestMethod2()
Assert.AreEqual(2, _context.Students.ToList().Count());

This solution is thread-safe. See my blog for details.

Simply change your code definition of DbContextOptionsBuilder to be like following :

        var databaseName = "DatabaseNameHere";
var dbContextOption = new DbContextOptionsBuilder<SchoolContext>()
.UseInMemoryDatabase(databaseName, new InMemoryDatabaseRoot())

new InMemoryDatabaseRoot() creates a new database without the issue of Id's persisting. So you don't need now for :

public void Cleanup()
_context = null;

The examples here achieve this through RemoveRange: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/core/test/integration-tests?view=aspnetcore-3.1


Here is my 2 cent approach to keep each unit test isolated from each other. I am using C# 7, XUnit and EF core 3.1.

Sample TestFixture class.

public class SampleIntegrationTestFixture : IDisposable

public DbContextOptionsBuilder<SampleDbContext> SetupInMemoryDatabase()
=> new DbContextOptionsBuilder<SampleDbContext>().UseInMemoryDatabase("MyInMemoryDatabase");

private IEnumerable<Student> CreateStudentStub()
=> new List<Student>
new Student { Id = rng.Next(1,10000), Name = "Able" },
new Student { Id = rng.Next(1,10000), Name = "Bob" }

public void Dispose()

Sample IntegrationTest class

 public class SampleJobIntegrationTest : IClassFixture<SampleIntegrationTestFixture >
private DbContextOptionsBuilder<SampleDbContext> DbContextBuilder { get; }
private SampleDbContext SampleDbContext { get; set; }

public SampleJobIntegrationTest(SampleIntegrationTestFixture
sampleIntegrationTestFixture )
SampleIntegrationTestFixture = sampleIntegrationTestFixture ;

SampleDbContextBuilder = sampleIntegrationTestFixture .SetupInMemoryDatabase();

public void TestMethod1()
using(SampleDbContext = new SampleDbContext(SampleDbContextBuilder.Options))

var students= SampleIntegrationTestFixture.CreateStudentStub();


Assert.AreEqual(2, _context.Students.ToList().Count());

