获取 mongoDB w/Java 驱动程序中最后插入的文档的 ID

有没有一种简单的方法可以使用 Java 驱动程序获得 mongoDB 实例最后插入的文档的 ID (ObjectID) ?

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I just realized you can do this:

BasicDBObject doc = new BasicDBObject( "name", "Matt" );
collection.insert( doc );
ObjectId id = (ObjectId)doc.get( "_id" );

I do not know about the Java driver but for posterity, the getLastError command can be run to get the _id of a write, even an upsert (as of 1.5.4)

After a document is inserted into the MongoDB collection, the successful insertion should update required fields (viz. _id). You may query the inserted object for the _id.

It's safe to do

doc.set("_id", new ObjectId())

if you look at driver code

if ( ensureID && id == null ){
id = ObjectId.get();
jo.put( "_id" , id );

public static ObjectId get(){
return new ObjectId();

This is insert operation:

DBCollection table1 = db.getCollection("Collection name");
BasicDBObject document = new BasicDBObject();
document.put("Name", name);

After insert u get last inserted id:

DBCollection tableDetails = db.getCollection("collection name");
BasicDBObject queryDetails = new BasicDBObject();
queryDetails.put("_id", value);
DBCursor cursorDetails =tableDetails.find(queryDetails);
DBObject oneDetails;
String data=oneDetails.get("_id").toString();

after getting value convert to inter type.

To avoid casting from Object to ObjectId, given a com.mongodb.client.MongoCollection collection and a org.bson.Document doc, you can do the following:

ObjectId id = doc.getObjectId("_id");

In MongoTemplate.class has a method

protected <T> void doInsert(String collectionName, T objectToSave, MongoWriter<T> writer) {



maybeEmitEvent(new BeforeConvertEvent<T>(objectToSave, collectionName));

DBObject dbDoc = toDbObject(objectToSave, writer);

maybeEmitEvent(new BeforeSaveEvent<T>(objectToSave, dbDoc, collectionName));
Object id = insertDBObject(collectionName, dbDoc, objectToSave.getClass());

populateIdIfNecessary(objectToSave, id);
maybeEmitEvent(new AfterSaveEvent<T>(objectToSave, dbDoc, collectionName));

and the method will set id for us

protected void populateIdIfNecessary(Object savedObject, Object id) {

if (id == null) {

if (savedObject instanceof BasicDBObject) {
DBObject dbObject = (DBObject) savedObject;
dbObject.put(ID_FIELD, id);

MongoPersistentProperty idProp = getIdPropertyFor(savedObject.getClass());

if (idProp == null) {

ConversionService conversionService = mongoConverter.getConversionService();
MongoPersistentEntity<?> entity = mappingContext.getPersistentEntity(savedObject.getClass());
PersistentPropertyAccessor accessor = entity.getPropertyAccessor(savedObject);

if (accessor.getProperty(idProp) != null) {

new ConvertingPropertyAccessor(accessor, conversionService).setProperty(idProp, id);

we can see if the entity is a sub-class of BasicDBObject,it will set a id for us.

I think the answer to this is "No".

What you can do is provide your the _id yourself, either manually, or implement the CollectibleCodec mechanism (which is exactly what BasicBDDocument does). However all these solutions involve generating the ID clientside.

Having said that, I don't think there's any problem with generating the _id clientside.