object1 = {
prop1: 1,
prop2: 2
object2 = Object.freeze(object1);
console.log(object1 === object2); // both objects are refer to the same instance
object2.prop3 = 3; // no new property can be added, won't work
delete object2.prop1; // no property can be deleted, won't work
console.log(object2); // object unchanged
const val = 10; // you can not access it outside this block, block scope variable
console.log(val); // undefined because it is block scope
const constvalue = 1;
constvalue = 2; // will give error as we are re-assigning the value;
const obj = { a:1 , b:2};
obj.a = 3;
obj.c = 4;
console.log(obj); // obj = {a:3,b:2,c:4} we are not assigning the value of identifier we can
// change the object properties, const applied only on value, not with properties
obj = {x:1}; // error you are re-assigning the value of constant obj
obj.a = 2 ; // you can add, delete element of object
总的理解是 const 是块作用域,它的值不会被重新分配。
var x = Object.freeze({data:1,
firstname:"hero", lastname:"nolast"
x.data = 12; // the object properties can not be change but in const you can do
x.firstname ="adasd"; // you can not add new properties to object but in const you can do
x.name.firstname = "dashdjkha"; // The nested value are changeable
//The thing you can do in Object.freeze but not in const
x = { a: 1}; // you can reassign the object when it is Object.freeze but const its not allowed
const obj1 = {nested :{a:10}};
var obj2 = Object.freeze({nested :{a:10}});
obj1.nested.a = 20; // both statement works
obj2.nested.a = 20;