
我为我的 Android 项目运行 ProGuard,得到以下警告:

Note: duplicate definition of library class [org.apache.http.conn.scheme.HostNameResolver]
Note: duplicate definition of library class [org.apache.http.conn.scheme.SocketFactory]
Note: duplicate definition of library class [org.apache.http.conn.ConnectTimeoutException]
Note: duplicate definition of library class [org.apache.http.params.HttpParams]
Note: duplicate definition of library class [android.net.http.SslCertificate$DName]
Note: duplicate definition of library class [android.net.http.SslError]
Note: duplicate definition of library class [android.net.http.SslCertificate]

Note: there were 7 duplicate class definitions.

我发现 给你可以通过忽略它来解决这个问题:

-keep class org.apache.http.** { *; }
-dontwarn org.apache.http.**
-keep class android.net.http.** { *; }
-dontwarn android.net.http.**

我没有看到从使用的库中删除副本的方法。即使在使用 dontwarn之后,警告也不会消失。

忽略这个警告是正确的处理方式吗? 还是这会导致问题

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Probably, you have mentioned "-injars" and -libraryjars" in your proguard-project.txt,considering the latest build system takes care of mentioning them for you ..so you dont need to mention it again.

source: http://proguard.sourceforge.net/manual/troubleshooting.html#duplicateclass

I think this will help.:)

If you add a proguard option -printconfiguration config.txt you'll see proguard adds

-libraryjars 'D:\tools\android\platforms\android-23\android.jar'

-libraryjars 'D:\tools\android\platforms\android-23\optional\org.apache.http.legacy.jar'

your duplicated classes (e.g. SslError) are presented in both android.jar and org.apache.http.legacy.jar

Proguard adds second jar even if you don't useLibrary 'org.apache.http.legacy' Here is an open bug describing the problem.

So now we can't do anything with the issue. Just ignore it:

-dontnote android.net.http.*
-dontnote org.apache.commons.codec.**
-dontnote org.apache.http.**

There is no need to keep the classes as long as they are located in library jar (phone's library actually). dontwarn doesn't work because it's not a warning, it's a note.

You can try this in your build.gradle for everything that is indicated as duplicate in the logs. I am not sure if this will work, so try it out and inform if it works or not.

packagingOptions {
exclude 'android.net.http.SslCertificate'

You can tell gradle not to allow duplicate classes (take only the first) by adding the following to your build.gradle:

jar {
duplicatesStrategy = DuplicatesStrategy.EXCLUDE