我对多功能混音还比较陌生,只是用于当地的发展。在一些 tmux 教程中,用户将在枚举列表中列出他们的 tmux 会话。通常会有黄色的高光。有人知道我在说什么,怎么做吗?其次,你认为这是最佳实践吗?我在这里打开了8个 iTerm2标签: (
You're looking for C-b ( and C-b ). You can find this and many more wonderful tips on the tmux cheatsheet.
C-b (
C-b )
CTRL-b s
found it! Alex's answer is awesome as well. Note CTRL-b is my prefix, your prefix could be something else.
Is PREFIX s but the real command is choose-tree. Then you can use it to bind to other key for example to 'S'
bind S choose-tree
Use tmux switch -t [target-session] if want to switch instant
tmux switch -t [target-session]
A faster switch by name is for example possible with a shell alias. For the zsh it can look as follows:
function tn() ( if [ -n "$1" ] then tmux switch -t $1 else echo "no session name" fi )
With tn go you switch to the tmux session with name go.
tn go
if you man tmux you will find a list of tmux options:
man tmux
C-( Switch the attached client to the previous session. C-) Switch the attached client to the next session.
no need to change your tmux.conf
Ctrl-b Shift-9 and Ctrl-b Shift-0
You can also do tmux switch -t <session name or number> or C-b ) for forward or C-b ( for forward nice ref: https://tmuxcheatsheet.com/
tmux switch -t <session name or number>