Xcode 7 ERROR ITMS-90474: "Invalid Bundle", can't submit to Apple

I have an app I'm trying to submit to Apple. I've already validated it. I'm using Xcode 7 and Swift 2. When I try to submit to Apple, I get the following error:

ERROR ITMS-90474: "Bundle Invalid. iPad Multitasking support requires there orientations: 'UIInterfaceOrientationPortrait,UIIinterfaceOrientationPortraitUpsideDown,UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeLeft,UIInterfaceOrientationLandscapeRight'. Found 'UIInterfaceOrientationPortrait' in bundle.

What do I do? Do I make some images with the names they ask for?

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Did some research and noticed I had my universal app Device Orientation set to portrait. I had unchecked Landscape Left, Landscape Right, and Upside Down. Selected those and all set now.

TARGETS > iOS > General > Deployment Info > Select "iPad" tab

,Then Check 『Requires full screen』

from http://nijoen.net/blog/261/

Checking Requires full screen under Deployment Info in Project's General tab will solve this issue.

enter image description here

Instead of changing the status bar setting, you can actually just follow the instructions from apple and support all 4 orientations in iPad section of settings. I had disabled upside-down, and simply enabling upside-down fixed the issue. Apple seems to want apps to run upside down, so we might as well support that.

ERROR ITMS-90474 & ITMS-90475 in Xcode Archive Submission failed ERROR ITMS-90474 : Xcode 7 shows error in Archive Submission

Error Screen (ERROR ITMS-90474 & ITMS-90475)

ERROR ITMS-90474 & ITMS-90475

Solution for ERROR ITMS-90474 & ITMS-90475:

enter image description here


From Xcode project, TARGETS >> - iOS >> General >> Deployment Info >> In iPad, If you tick (Requires full screen) option , it is OK!