向 jQuery Fullendar 添加资源视图/甘特图

我正在使用 JQuery 全日历,如果你不使用它,我建议你也这样做,因为它是绝对奇妙的在它所做的!

然而,为了成为对我和我的项目(还有很多其他人)有用的 真的,我真诚地认为它需要一个资源/分配视图。

没有人会认为这是个问题... ... 直到你看到 jQuery FullCalendar 的面具下,看到它生成视图的方式不是为那些想要成为 javascript 开发者的人准备的... ... 也就是我。



  1. Http://java.daypilot.org/
  2. Http://www.dhtmlx.com/docs/products/dhtmlxscheduler/index.shtml
  3. Http://web2cal.com/ajaxeventscalendar/calendar-demo/912-premium-demo/157-scheduler-view

不幸的是,日间飞行员Dhtmlx 调度器都缺乏干净和清晰的界面,FullCalendar 实现得如此之好,而 Web2cal只是看起来和感觉未完成,仍处于测试阶段。

或者,我想知道是否有人有任何关于如何将 jQuery Gannt 图表与 jQuery fullendar 集成的想法。


我已经研究了全日历如何生成它的视图,到目前为止还没有任何成功的扩展,以提供一个容器,让其中的一个 Gant 图表“坐在”全日历中,并由其按钮触发。



所以我被留在了十字路口。我可以支付一个半生不熟的专有解决方案,这个解决方案几乎没有社区支持,或者我可以尝试找到一种方法,通过询问真正了解 jQuery 的人来获得 jQuery Fullendar 内部的资源视图。

我很乐意把使用专有解决方案节省下来的资金捐给 Fullcalendar 的开发商。

FullCalendar 的开发者似乎有很多事情要做,我想再次感谢他为我们提供了这个非常棒的日历。



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As far as what StackOverflow users can offer you as an answer, this is as close as you'll ever get:


There is an open task and at the bottom are some work-in-progress examples of extensions to fullcalendar to achieve what you want. Please offer to contribute or clean up the code there to get it merged into the mainstream fullcalendar project.

Just to update what has been done for this idea:


It's now a fork of fullcalendar.

For those searching for a resource view based on v2.1.1.

Here is a fork implementing it that will hopefully be merged into fullcalendar at some point.

I know it's a pretty old question, but I was looking for something like that a few weeks ago and I couldn't find anything here. So, what I'm using is Kendo Scheduler. It has a horizontal grouping, vertical grouping, timeline and some other interesting things like bind against SignalR.

Moreover, FullCalendar announcement that it will be a Resource/Timeline view soon. But probably it will be released under a commercial license.

There is a https://dhtmlx.com/docs/products/dhtmlxGantt/ which has a resource view as well. You can integrate it with full calendar. It's quite simple.