>>> def printiter(n):
... for i in xrange(n):
... print "iterating value %d" % i
... yield i
>>> from itertools import tee
>>> a, b = tee(printiter(5), 2)
>>> list(a)
iterating value 0
iterating value 1
iterating value 2
iterating value 3
iterating value 4
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
>>> list(b)
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
f_in = open('myfile.csv','r')
reader = csv.DictReader(f_in)
for record in reader:
if some_condition:
# reset reader to first row of data on 2nd line of file
# initialize list of rows
rows = []
# open the file and temporarily name it as 'my_file'
with open('myfile.csv', 'rb') as my_file:
# set up the reader using the opened file
myfilereader = csv.DictReader(my_file)
# loop through each row of the reader
for row in myfilereader:
# add the row to the list of rows
class ResetIter:
def __init__(self, num):
self.num = num
self.i = -1
def __iter__(self):
if self.i == self.num-1: # here, return the new object
return self.__class__(self.num)
return self
def __next__(self):
if self.i == self.num-1:
raise StopIteration
if self.i <= self.num-1:
self.i += 1
return self.i
reset_iter = ResetRange(10)
for i in reset_iter:
print(i, end=' ')
for i in reset_iter:
print(i, end=' ')
for i in reset_iter:
print(i, end=' ')
from copy import deepcopy
iterator = your_iterator
# Start iteration
iterator_altered = deepcopy(iterator)
for _ in range(2):
a = next(iter(iterator_altered))
# Your iterator is still unaltered.