什么是 * * globb 字符?


var path = {
HTML: 'src/index.html',
ALL: ['src/js/*.js', 'src/js/**/*.js', 'src/index.html'],
JS: ['src/js/*.js', 'src/js/**/*.js'],
MINIFIED_OUT: 'build.min.js',
DEST_SRC: 'dist/src',
DEST_BUILD: 'dist/build',
DEST: 'dist'


我知道单球是什么,但双球是什么? 一个球

42344 次浏览

** matches any character including a forward-slash /
* matches any character except a forward-slash (to match just the file or directory name)

It's almost the same as the single asterisk but may consist of multiple directory levels.

In other words, while /x/*/y will match entries like:


and so on (with only one directory level in the wildcard section), the double asterisk /x/**/y will also match things like:


with the concept of "any number of levels" also including zero (in other words, /x/**/y will match /x/y as one of its choices).

As an aside, as much as I hate to credit the mainframe with anything, I believe this has been used since the earlist days of MVS to allow selection of datasets at multiple levels :-)

Like Grunt, the double ** is saying, "Look in all the subfolders within js and for all of the .js files."

You can actually refer here for the same:


It's usually used to indicate any number of subdirectories. So


Would match

