Here is a mostly clean and Ansible native workaround not depending on docker --inspect with curly braces. We assume we have just referenced one container with the Ansible docker module before:
- name: query IP of client container
shell: "docker exec \{\{ docker_containers[0].Id }} hostname -I"
register: _container_query
- name: get IP of query result
_container_ip: "\{\{ _container_query.stdout | regex_replace('\\s','') }}"
You now have the IP of the Docker container in the Variable _container_ip. I also published this workaround on my article The Marriage of Ansible with Docker.
[Update 2015-11-03] Removed whitespaces of the stdout of the container query.
[Update 2015-11-04] BTW, there were two pull requests in the official Ansible repository, that would made this workaround needless by recovering the facts returned by the Docker module. So you could acces the IP of a docker container via docker_containers[0].NetworkSettings.IPAddress. So please vote for those pull requests:
didn't work because there is some sort of magic in ansible which will run the template and variable substition twice (i'm not sure about that, but it definitively looks like this)
You end up with "undefined variable service_name" when trying to use the template...
So i ended up using a combination of !unsafe and {% raw %} ... {% endraw %} to define a fact that's later used in the template.
- set_fact:
__rancher_init_root_domain: "\{\{ rancher_root_domain }}"
#!unsafe: try to trick ansible into not doing substitutions in that string, then use %raw% so the value won't substituted another time
__rancher_init_name_template: !unsafe "{%raw%}%\{\{service_name}}.%\{\{stack_name}}.%\{\{environment_name}}{%endraw%}"
- name: build a template for a project
__rancher_init_template_doc: "\{\{ lookup('template', 'templates/project_template.json.j2') }}"
- name: Get ip of db container
shell: "{% raw %}docker inspect -f '\{\{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}\{\{.IPAddress}}\{\{end}}' docker_instance_name{% endraw %}"
register: db_ip_addr
- debug:
var: db_ip_addr.stdout