如何将 UML 图集成到 GitLab 或 GitHub 中

我想在一个公共可用的存储库中发布一些编程文档。这个文档包含格式化的文本、一些 UML 图表和大量的代码示例。我认为 GitHub 或 GitLab 是发布这篇文章的好地方。

为了发布 UML 图,我希望有一些简单的方法来保持它们在存储库中的更新,并且在 wiki 中以图像的形式可见。我不想把这些图保存在我的计算机里(或者云端) ,编辑它们,生成图像,然后每次都发布它们。

有没有一种方法可以将这些图放到存储库中(在 PlantUML 语法中比较理想) ,在标记文本中将它们链接起来,并在每次图更新时使图像自动更新?

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I found it is possible to do this using plantuml-gist on http://uml.mvnsearch.org/

Just put a valid puml file in the repository and include a link to this site in the documentation.

For example, for the file https://github.com/linux-china/plantuml-gist/blob/master/src/main/uml/plantuml_gist.puml in GitHub, you would use http://uml.mvnsearch.org/github/linux-china/plantuml-gist/blob/master/src/main/uml/plantuml_gist.puml as your link.

Here's what it looks like linked in StackOverflow:

UML image http://uml.mvnsearch.org/github/linux-china/plantuml-gist/blob/master/src/main/uml/plantuml_gist.puml

Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to work with GitLab. I always get a "No PUML file found", even though I have checked the path several times.

EDIT: server at uml.mvnsearch.org seems down.

Edit: Alternative with Proxy service

This way is significantly different and simpler than the answer below; it uses the PlantUML proxy service:


The GitHub markdown for this would be:

![alternative text](http://www.plantuml.com/plantuml/proxy?cache=no&src=https://raw.github.com/plantuml/plantuml-server/master/src/main/webapp/resource/test2diagrams.txt)

This method suffers from not being able to specify the SVG format (it defaults to PNG), and it is perhaps not possible to work-around the caching bug mentioned in the comments.

After trying the other answer, I discovered the service to be slow and seemingly not up to the latest version of PlantUML.

I've found a different way that's not quite as straightforward, but it works via PlantUML.com's server (in the cloud). As such, it should work anywhere you can hotlink to an image.

It exploits the !includeurl function and is essentially an indirection. The markdown file links to a PlantUML source that includes the diagram's source. This method allows modifying the source in GitHub, and any images in the GitHub markdown files will automatically update. But it requires a tricky step to create the URL to the indirection.

Diagram of how it works

  1. Get the URL to the raw PlantUML source, e.g., https://raw.githubusercontent.com/linux-china/plantuml-gist/master/src/main/uml/plantuml_gist.puml (using the example in the joanq's answer)

  2. Go to http://plantuml.com/plantuml/form (or PlantText.com) and create a one-line PlantUML source that uses the !includeurl URL-TO-RAW-PLANTUML-SOURCE-ON-GITHUB operation. Continuing with the example URL, the PlantUML (meta)source is:

    !includeurl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/linux-china/plantuml-gist/master/src/main/uml/plantuml_gist.puml
  3. Copy the image URL from PlantUML.com's image, e.g., http://plantuml.com:80/plantuml/png/FSfB2e0m303Hg-W1RFPUHceiDf36aWzwVEl6tOEPcGGvZXBAKtNljW9eljD9NcCFAugNU15FU3LWadWMh2GPEcVnQBoSP0ujcnS5KnmaWH7-O_kEr8TU and paste it into your GitHub markdown file. This URL won't change.

    ![PlantUML model](http://plantuml.com:80/plantuml/png/3SNB4K8n2030LhI0XBlTy0YQpF394D2nUztBtfUHrE0AkStCVHu0WP_-MZdhgiD1RicMdLpXMJCK3TC3o2iEDwHSxvNVjWNDE43nv3zt731SSLbJ7onzbyeF)

Bonus: You can even get access to the SVG format by modifying the plantuml/png/ part of the URL to be plantuml/svg/ as follows

![PlantUML model](http://plantuml.com:80/plantuml/svg/3SNB4K8n2030LhI0XBlTy0YQpF394D2nUztBtfUHrE0AkStCVHu0WP_-MZdhgiD1RicMdLpXMJCK3TC3o2iEDwHSxvNVjWNDE43nv3zt731SSLbJ7onzbyeF)

Example on GitHub


Caveat with private repos

As davidbak pointed out in a comment, the raw file in a private repo will have a URL with token=<LONGSTRINGHERE> in it, and this token changes as the source file updates. Unfortunately, the markdown breaks when this happens, so you have to update the Readme file after you commit the file to GitHub, which is not a great solution.

This is an old question, but it comes up early in the searches for solutions to this problem.


GitLab now support both Mermaid and PlantUML diagrams on their public offering. Mermaid is supported out of the box.

Alice -> Bob: Authentication Request
Bob --> Alice: Authentication Response
Alice -> Bob:Another authentication Response
Bob --> Alice: Another authentication Response


Orig Answer

The other answers discuss GitHub, but it is worth noting that GitLab has native integration for this, if you are deploying in-house. For some reason, they have never activated the feature on their public offering. There are tickets open to activate the feature.

If you are working of an in-house hosted solution, there are instructions available in the administration documentation

Basically you

  1. stand up your own plantuml server
  2. check the Enable PlantUml in GitLab server configuration
  3. write PlantUml in your markdown
Alice -> Bob: Authentication Request
Bob --> Alice: Authentication Response

Alice -> Bob: Another authentication Request
Alice <-- Bob: Another authentication Response


Already support PlantUML natively as mentioned in other posts.


I wish they support it natively too, but they don't at the moment.


I built my own workaround similar to the PlantUML proxy mentioned above, but a little bit better.



  • It supports arbitrary urls
  • It supports both public and private repos on https://github.com
  • It supports GitHub Enterprise instances
  • It does not expose API tokens as part of the URL like the PlantUML proxy solution
  • It can be used outside of GitHub, e.g. in emails, wiki, presentation etc.
  • Private repos and GHE instances needs your own puml app with API token configured.
  • Examples can be found in https://github.com/lyang/puml

Sharing my open source project that handles all this for you https://github.com/danielyaa5/puml-for-markdown

enter image description here

How It Works

Using PlantUML Web Service to Render PUML Diagrams

You can use PlantUML using the online web service to generate images on-the-fly. A online demonstration is available at http://www.plantuml.com/plantuml. You can pass the encoded text of your diagrams to the web service in the url path and it will generate an SVG or PNG for you. Here's a simple HelloWorld example http://www.plantuml.com/plantuml/uml/Aov9B2hXil98pSd9LoZFByf9iUOgBial0000. Large diagrams will have very long encoding strings, they can exceed maximum url length. They also don't look very good in markdown files. By default the CLI will use the tinyurl.com service to shorten the link to the diagram.

Encoding PUML Diagrams for the Web Service

The CLI will use the plantuml-encoder package to encode puml files. To support hyperlinking diagrams we need to parse all hyperlinks in the puml files. A dependency graph is created for the files and a DFS is performed where we create links for the leaf nodes first, then replace the links in the parent nodes with the links to the leaf nodes. The puml files are not actually modified, only the puml files content in memory is modified. By default the tinyurl free service is used to shorten the links.

In order to support !include we parse puml files and replace any !include with the contents of the file referenced.

Parsing Markdown

The markdown files are then parsed for markdown comments. If the comments reference a PlantUML file, a link to the web service url will be added next to the comment. Because these links contain the full PlantUML diagram encoding in it, there are no issues using them in private repositories.

Since GitLab supports rendering PlantUML out of the box, you can use the following:


This is some example text in a Markdown file. Followed by a PlantUML diagram, loaded from an URL.

!include https://gitlab.com/my-drawing.puml

When you 'preview' the file, it will render the text together with an image of the PlantUML diagram.

For more information about PlantUMLs !include directive, see https://plantuml.com/preprocessing#393335a6fd28a804

To publish the UML diagrams, I would like to have some easy way to keep them updated into the repository and visible as images in the wiki

This should be possible on GitHub now (Aug. 2022)

Wikis now support math and Mermaid diagrams

Earlier this year (Feb. 2022), GitHub added support for LaTeX style mathematical expressions and Mermaid diagrams in Markdown.

However, until now, GitHub wikis were missing this support.
You can now use these formatting features in GitHub wikis.

For more information about using mathematical expressions and Mermaid with GitHub, see creating diagrams and writing mathematical expressions in the GitHub documentation.

Those diagrams includes ULM ones.