Spring Boot 应用程序中特定于环境的 application.properties 文件

在我的 SpringBoot 应用程序中,我想创建特定于环境的属性文件。我在 war 中的应用程序的打包类型,并且我正在嵌入的 tomcat 中执行它。我使用 st 并从 st 本身执行 main。

  1. 我是否可以使用特定于环境的属性文件,比如 application-${ env-value } . properties?

在上面的例子中,env-value 的值为 local/devl/test/prod

  1. 在哪里设置 env-value 文件? 对于 local,我可以通过 st 将其设置为 jvm 参数

  2. 在 Spring Boot 应用程序中读取 application.properties 的用户。

  3. 如何加载特定于环境的属性文件?对于 ex-if 我在特定于环境的属性文件中设置数据库 uid、 pwd、 schema 等,在这种情况下,数据源能够理解其中的属性吗?

  4. 我能同时使用 application.properties 和 application-local. properties 文件吗?

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Spring Boot already has support for profile based properties.

Simply add an application-[profile].properties file and specify the profiles to use using the spring.profiles.active property.


This will load the application.properties and the application-local.properties with the latter overriding properties from the first.

Yes you can. Since you are using spring, check out @PropertySource anotation.

Anotate your configuration with


You can call it what ever you like, and add inn multiple property files if you like too. Can be nice if you have more sets and/or defaults that belongs to all environments (can be written with @PropertySource{...,...,...} as well).


Then you can start the application with environment


In this example, name will be replaced with application-test-properties and so on.

we can do like this:

in application.yml:

active: test //modify here to switch between environments
include:  application-${spring.profiles.active}.yml

in application-test.yml:

port: 5000

and in application-local.yml:

port: 8080

then spring boot will start our app as we wish to.

My Point , IN this arent way asking developer to create all environment related in single go, resulting in risk of exposing Production Configuration to end developer

as per 12-Factor, shouldnt be enviornment specific reside in Enviornment only .

How do we do for CI CD

  • Build Spring one time and promote to aother environment, in that case, if we have spring jar has all environment, it iwll security risk, having all environment variable in GIT