If your keyup event is outside the CTRL, SHIFT, ENTER and ESC bracket, just use @Md Ayub Ali Sarker's guide. The only keyup pseudo-event mentioned here in angular docs https://angular.io/docs/ts/latest/guide/user-input.html is ENTER key. There are no keyup pseudo-events for number keys and alphabets yet.
I was searching for a way to bind to multiple key events - specifically, Shift+Enter - but couldn't find any good resources online. But after logging the keydown binding
I discovered that the keyboard event provided all of the information I needed to detect Shift+Enter. Turns out that $event returns a fairly detailed KeyboardEvent.
onKeydownEvent(event: KeyboardEvent): void {
if (event.keyCode === 13 && event.shiftKey) {
// On 'Shift+Enter' do this.......
There also flags for the CtrlKey, AltKey, and MetaKey (i.e. Command key on Mac).
No need for the KeyEventsPlugin, JQuery, or a pure JS binding.
onKeydownEvent($event: KeyboardEvent){
// you can use the following for checking enter key pressed or not
if ($event.key === 'Enter') {
console.log($event.key); // Enter
if ($event.key === 'Enter' && event.shiftKey) {
//This is 'Shift+Enter'