
当我推新的图像回购,我希望它有两个标签,例如 0.2latest。这将允许通过使用 latest标记和使用 0.2标记(例如)来获取最新的图像版本。码头有可能吗?

有什么办法吗? 我看到的唯一解决办法就是分两次推..。

93807 次浏览

You can create multiple tags:

docker tag <id> <user>/<image>:0.2
docker tag <id> <user>/<image>:latest

and push these.

You need to do one push per each version like:

docker tag test:latest <repo>/<user>/test:latest
docker push <repo>/<user>/test:latest

docker tag test:0.2 <repo>/<user>/test:0.2
docker push <repo>/<user>/test:0.2

You can also combine and say the latest version is 0.2 like:

docker tag <repo>/<user>/test:latest <repo>/<user>/test:0.2
docker push <repo>/<user>/test:0.2

So those will point the same image layer.

You can build an image with several tags and then push the image with the --all-tags option.


docker build -t reg/user/image:foo -t reg/user/image:latest .

docker push reg/user/image --all-tags

Older Docker clients that do not support --all-tags will push all tags by default (simply omit the option), newer clients will only push latest by default. As an alternative, you may want to push each tag separately.

There are valid reasons for having multiple tags on an image (see OP) but if you are wanting to add tags for informational purposes, you may be better off with image labels.

Docker labels are inside the image rather than applied to it in the registry. This means the labels are immutable and always get copied with the image.

Label Schema defines a list of interoperable labels for things like version, vcs-ref, build-date and others.

UPDATE: Prior to Jan 2021

It pushes all the tags, if you dont specify the tags in push command.

docker tag user/imagename:tag1
docker tag user/imagename:tag2

docker push user/imagename

If you don't want to refer the image by hash, but "copy a tag" you can do the following:

docker tag image:origin_tag image:target_tag
docker push image:target_tag