RabbitMQ" What are "Ready" and "Unacked" types of messages?

I'm getting confused between these two types of messages in RabbitMQ.

I've seen that some of my queues have 0 "Unacked" and 1000 "Ready" messages, while some have 1000 "Unacked" and 0 "Ready" messages.

What's the difference between them?

And how can I know how many of the messages are read by the consumer(s)?

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消息在等待处理时是 准备好了


Unack 意味着消费者已经承诺处理它们,但是没有承认它们已经被处理。当使用者崩溃时,队列知道当使用者上线时哪些消息将被再次传递。当您有多个使用者时,消息将在他们之间分布。

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不确认 : 它用于数据安全考虑。它保证到达对等点并成功处理。万一消费者在处理消息的过程中丢失并且不确认兔子 MQ。消息将不会丢失,可供客户再次处理。