

对于 Java 来说,依赖注入是纯面向对象的,也就是说,你提供了一个要实现的接口,并且在你的框架代码中接受了一个实现了已定义接口的类的实例。

现在,对于 Python,您可以使用同样的方法,但是我认为对于 Python,这种方法的开销太大了。那么如何以 Python 的方式实现它呢?



class FrameworkClass():
def __init__(self, ...):

def do_the_job(self, ...):
# some stuff
# depending on some external function


最天真的(也许是最好的?)方法是要求将外部函数提供给 FrameworkClass构造函数,然后从 do_the_job方法调用该函数。


class FrameworkClass():
def __init__(self, func):
self.func = func

def do_the_job(self, ...):
# some stuff


def my_func():
# my implementation

framework_instance = FrameworkClass(my_func)


问题很简短。有没有比 Python 更常用的方法来做到这一点?或者任何支持这种功能的库?

更新: 具体情况

假设我开发了一个微型 web 框架,它使用令牌来处理身份验证。这个框架需要一个函数来提供从令牌获得的一些 ID,并获得与该 ID对应的用户。

显然,框架对用户或任何其他特定于应用程序的逻辑一无所知,因此客户机代码必须将用户 getter 功能注入到框架中,以使身份验证工作。

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The way we do dependency injection in our project is by using the inject lib. Check out the documentation. I highly recommend using it for DI. It kinda makes no sense with just one function but starts making lots of sense when you have to manage multiple data sources etc, etc.

Following your example it could be something similar to:

# framework.py
class FrameworkClass():
def __init__(self, func):
self.func = func

def do_the_job(self):
# some stuff

Your custom function:

# my_stuff.py
def my_func():
print('aww yiss')

Somewhere in the application you want to create a bootstrap file that keeps track of all the defined dependencies:

# bootstrap.py
import inject
from .my_stuff import my_func

def configure_injection(binder):
binder.bind(FrameworkClass, FrameworkClass(my_func))


And then you could consume the code this way:

# some_module.py (has to be loaded with bootstrap.py already loaded somewhere in your app)
import inject
from .framework import FrameworkClass

framework_instance = inject.instance(FrameworkClass)

I'm afraid this is as pythonic as it can get (the module has some python sweetness like decorators to inject by parameter etc - check the docs), as python does not have fancy stuff like interfaces or type hinting.

So to answer your question directly would be very hard. I think the true question is: does python have some native support for DI? And the answer is, sadly: no.

See Raymond Hettinger - Super considered super! - PyCon 2015 for an argument about how to use super and multiple inheritance instead of DI. If you don't have time to watch the whole video, jump to minute 15 (but I'd recommend watching all of it).

Here is an example of how to apply what's described in this video to your example:

Framework Code:

class TokenInterface():
def getUserFromToken(self, token):
raise NotImplementedError

class FrameworkClass(TokenInterface):
def do_the_job(self, ...):
# some stuff
self.user = super().getUserFromToken(...)

Client Code:

class SQLUserFromToken(TokenInterface):
def getUserFromToken(self, token):
# load the user from the database
return user

class ClientFrameworkClass(FrameworkClass, SQLUserFromToken):

framework_instance = ClientFrameworkClass()

This will work because the Python MRO will guarantee that the getUserFromToken client method is called (if super() is used). The code will have to change if you're on Python 2.x.

One added benefit here is that this will raise an exception if the client does not provide a implementation.

Of course, this is not really dependency injection, it's multiple inheritance and mixins, but it is a Pythonic way to solve your problem.

I think that DI and possibly AOP are not generally considered Pythonic because of typical Python developers preferences, rather that language features.

As a matter of fact you can implement a basic DI framework in <100 lines, using metaclasses and class decorators.

For a less invasive solution, these constructs can be used to plug-in custom implementations into a generic framework.

Some time ago I wrote dependency injection microframework with a ambition to make it Pythonic - Dependency Injector. That's how your code can look like in case of its usage:

"""Example of dependency injection in Python."""

import logging
import sqlite3

import boto.s3.connection

import example.main
import example.services

import dependency_injector.containers as containers
import dependency_injector.providers as providers

class Platform(containers.DeclarativeContainer):
"""IoC container of platform service providers."""

logger = providers.Singleton(logging.Logger, name='example')

database = providers.Singleton(sqlite3.connect, ':memory:')

s3 = providers.Singleton(boto.s3.connection.S3Connection,

class Services(containers.DeclarativeContainer):
"""IoC container of business service providers."""

users = providers.Factory(example.services.UsersService,

auth = providers.Factory(example.services.AuthService,

photos = providers.Factory(example.services.PhotosService,

class Application(containers.DeclarativeContainer):
"""IoC container of application component providers."""

main = providers.Callable(example.main.main,

Here is a link to more extensive description of this example - http://python-dependency-injector.ets-labs.org/examples/services_miniapp.html

Hope it can help a bit. For more information please visit:

Due to Python OOP implementation, IoC and dependency injection are not standard practices in the Python world. But the approach seems promising even for Python.

  • To use dependencies as arguments is a non-pythonic approach. Python is an OOP language with beautiful and elegant OOP model, that provides more straightforward ways to maintain dependencies.
  • To define classes full of abstract methods just to imitate interface type is weird too.
  • Huge wrapper-on-wrapper workarounds create code overhead.
  • I also don't like to use libraries when all I need is a small pattern.

So my solution is:

# Framework internal
def MetaIoC(name, bases, namespace):
cls = type("IoC{}".format(name), tuple(), namespace)
return type(name, bases + (cls,), {})

# Entities level
class Entity:
def _lower_level_meth(self):
raise NotImplementedError

def entity_prop(self):
return super(Entity, self)._lower_level_meth()

# Adapters level
class ImplementedEntity(Entity, metaclass=MetaIoC):
__private = 'private attribute value'

def __init__(self, pub_attr):
self.pub_attr = pub_attr

def _lower_level_meth(self):
print('{}\n{}'.format(self.pub_attr, self.__private))

# Infrastructure level
if __name__ == '__main__':
ENTITY = ImplementedEntity('public attribute value')


Be careful with the pattern. I used it in a real project and it showed itself a not that good way. My post on Medium about my experience with the pattern.

There is also Pinject, an open source python dependency injector by Google.

Here is an example

>>> class OuterClass(object):
...     def __init__(self, inner_class):
...         self.inner_class = inner_class
>>> class InnerClass(object):
...     def __init__(self):
...         self.forty_two = 42
>>> obj_graph = pinject.new_object_graph()
>>> outer_class = obj_graph.provide(OuterClass)
>>> print outer_class.inner_class.forty_two

And here is the source code

A very easy and Pythonic way to do dependency injection is importlib.

You could define a small utility function

def inject_method_from_module(modulename, methodname):
injects dynamically a method in a module
mod = importlib.import_module(modulename)
return getattr(mod, methodname, None)

And then you can use it:

myfunction = inject_method_from_module("mypackage.mymodule", "myfunction")

In mypackage/mymodule.py you define myfunction

def myfunction(s):
print("myfunction in mypackage.mymodule called with parameter:", s)

You could of course also use a class MyClass iso. the function myfunction. If you define the values of methodname in a settings.py file you can load different versions of the methodname depending on the value of the settings file. Django is using such a scheme to define its database connection.

Dependency injection is a simple technique that Python supports directly. No additional libraries are required. Using type hints can improve clarity and readability.

Framework Code:

class UserStore():
The base class for accessing a user's information.
The client must extend this class and implement its methods.
def get_name(self, token):
raise NotImplementedError

class WebFramework():
def __init__(self, user_store: UserStore):
self.user_store = user_store

def greet_user(self, token):
user_name = self.user_store.get_name(token)
print(f'Good day to you, {user_name}!')

Client Code:

class AlwaysMaryUser(UserStore):
def get_name(self, token):
return 'Mary'

class SQLUserStore(UserStore):
def __init__(self, db_params):
self.db_params = db_params

def get_name(self, token):
# TODO: Implement the database lookup
raise NotImplementedError

client = WebFramework(AlwaysMaryUser())

The UserStore class and type hinting are not required for implementing dependency injection. Their primary purpose is to provide guidance to the client developer. If you remove the UserStore class and all references to it, the code still works.

After playing around with some of the DI frameworks in python, I've found they have felt a bit clunky to use when comparing how simple it is in other realms such as with .NET Core. This is mostly due to the joining via things like decorators that clutter the code and make it hard to simply add it into or remove it from a project, or joining based on variable names.

I've recently been working on a dependency injection framework that instead uses typing annotations to do the injection called Simple-Injection. Below is a simple example

from simple_injection import ServiceCollection

class Dependency:
def hello(self):
print("Hello from Dependency!")

class Service:
def __init__(self, dependency: Dependency):
self._dependency = dependency

def hello(self):

collection = ServiceCollection()

# Outputs: Hello from Dependency!

This library supports service lifetimes and binding services to implementations.

One of the goals of this library is that it is also easy to add it to an existing application and see how you like it before committing to it as all it requires is your application to have appropriate typings, and then you build the dependency graph at the entry point and run it.

Hope this helps. For more information, please see