val sqlContext = new SQLContext(sc)
case class MyDf(col1: String, col2: String)
//here is our dataframe
val df = sqlContext.createDataFrame(sc.parallelize(
Array(MyDf("A", "B"), MyDf("C", "D"), MyDf("E", "F"))
//Define a udf to concatenate two passed in string values
val getConcatenated = udf( (first: String, second: String) => { first + " " + second } )
//use withColumn method to add a new column called newColName
df.withColumn("newColName", getConcatenated($"col1", $"col2")).select("newColName", "col1", "col2").show()
#Suppose we have a dataframe:
df = sqlContext.createDataFrame([('row1_1','row1_2')], ['colname1', 'colname2'])
# Now we can concatenate columns and assign the new column a name
df =, df.colname2).alias('joined_colname'))