Lumen: 在 Blade 视图中获取 URL 参数

我试图从视图文件中获取一个 url 参数。



和一个名为 example.blade.php风景文件。

从控制器我可以得到参数 a$request->input('a')

有没有一种方法可以从视图中获得这样的参数(而不必将它从控制器传递到视图中) ?

211353 次浏览

This works well:

\{\{ app('request')->input('a') }}

Where a is the url parameter.

See more here:

You can publicly expose Input facade via an alias in config/app.php:

'aliases' => [

'Input' => Illuminate\Support\Facades\Input::class,

And access url $_GET parameter values using the facade directly inside Blade view/template:

\{\{ Input::get('a') }}

This works fine for me:

\{\{ app('request')->input('a') }}

Ex: to get pagination param on blade view:

\{\{ app('request')->input('page') }}

The shortest way i have used

\{\{ Request::get('a') }}

Laravel 5.6:

\{\{ Request::query('parameter') }}

More simple in Laravel 5.7 and 5.8

\{\{ Request()->parameter }}

Laravel 5.8

\{\{ request()->a }}

Given your URL:


The best way that I have found to get the value for 'a' and display it on the page is to use the following:

\{\{ request()->get('a') }}

However, if you want to use it within an if statement, you could use:

@if( request()->get('a') )

As per official 5.8 docs:

The request() function returns the current request instance or obtains an input item:

$request = request();

$value = request('key', $default);


if you use route and pass paramater use this code in your blade file


As per official documentation 8.x

We use the helper request

The request function returns the current request instance or obtains an input field's value from the current request:

$request = request();

$value = request('key', $default);

the value of request is an array you can simply retrieve your input using the input key as follow

$id = request()->id; //for http://locahost:8000/example?id=10

All the answers above are correct, but there's a quickier way to do this.
