public sealed class MyRepository
public MyRepository(IUnitOfWork unitOfWork)
this.unitOfWork = unitOfWork;
IUnitOfWork unitOfWork = null;
//You also need to handle other parameters like 'sql', 'param' ect. This is out of scope of this answer.
public MyPoco Get()
return unitOfWork.Connection.Query(sql, param, unitOfWork.Transaction, .......);
public void Insert(MyPoco poco)
return unitOfWork.Connection.Execute(sql, param, unitOfWork.Transaction, .........);
using(DalSession dalSession = new DalSession())
UnitOfWork unitOfWork = dalSession.UnitOfWork;
//Your database code here
MyRepository myRepository = new MyRepository(unitOfWork);
//You may create other repositories in similar way in same scope of UoW.
using(DalSession dalSession = new DalSession())
//Your database code here
MyRepository myRepository = new MyRepository(dalSession.UnitOfWork);//UoW have no effect here as Begin() is not called.
public class UnitOfWorkFactory<TConnection> : IUnitOfWorkFactory where TConnection : IDbConnection, new()
private string connectionString;
public UnitOfWorkFactory(string connectionString)
if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(connectionString))
throw new ArgumentNullException("connectionString cannot be null");
this.connectionString = connectionString;
public UnitOfWork Create()
return new UnitOfWork(CreateOpenConnection());
private IDbConnection CreateOpenConnection()
var conn = new TConnection();
conn.ConnectionString = connectionString;
if (conn.State != ConnectionState.Open)
catch (Exception exception)
throw new Exception("An error occured while connecting to the database. See innerException for details.", exception);
return conn;
public class ProductRepository : IProductRepository
protected readonly IDbConnection connection;
protected readonly IDbTransaction transaction;
public ProductRepository(UnitOfWork unitOfWork)
connection = unitOfWork.Transaction.Connection;
transaction = unitOfWork.Transaction;
public Product Read(int id)
return connection.QuerySingleOrDefault<Product>("select * from dbo.Product where Id = @id", new { id }, transaction: Transaction);
要访问数据库,只需使用您选择的 IoC 容器实例化 DbContext或注入(我个人使用 .NET 核心提供的 IoC 容器)。
var unitOfWorkFactory = new UnitOfWorkFactory<SqlConnection>("your connection string");
var db = new DbContext(unitOfWorkFactory);
Product product = null;
product = db.Product.Read(1);
catch (SqlException ex)
//log exception
对于这种简单的只读操作,明确需要 Commit()似乎有些过分,但随着系统的增长,这种需求会得到回报。而且显然,根据 Sam Saffron提供了一个小的性能优势。您“可以”在简单的读操作中省略 db.Commit(),通过这样做,您可以保持连接处于打开状态,并将清理工作的责任交给垃圾收集器。所以不建议这么做。
1. UserService CreateUserProfile
a. UserRepositoryGetByEmail("")
b. UserRepository.Add(user)
c. AddressRepository.Add(new address)
2. UserService Commit?
// Business code. I'm going to write a method, but a class with dependencies is more realistic
static async Task MyBusinessCode(IUnitOfWorkContext context, EntityRepoitory repo)
var expectedEntity = new Entity {Id = null, Value = 10};
using (var uow = context.Create())
expectedEntity.Id = await repo.CreateAsync(expectedEntity.Value);
await uow.CommitAsync();
using (context.Create())
var entity = await repo.GetOrDefaultAsync(expectedEntity.Id.Value);
public class UnitOfWork : IDisposable
private readonly SQLiteTransaction _transaction;
public SQLiteConnection Connection { get; }
public bool IsDisposed { get; private set; } = false;
public UnitOfWork(SQLiteConnection connection)
Connection = connection;
_transaction = Connection.BeginTransaction();
public async Task RollBackAsync()
await _transaction.RollbackAsync();
public async Task CommitAsync()
await _transaction.CommitAsync();
public void Dispose()
IsDisposed = true;
public class UnitOfWorkContext : IUnitOfWorkContext, IConnectionContext
private readonly SQLiteConnection _connection;
private UnitOfWork _unitOfWork;
private bool IsUnitOfWorkOpen => !(_unitOfWork == null || _unitOfWork.IsDisposed);
public UnitOfWorkContext(SQLiteConnection connection)
_connection = connection;
public SQLiteConnection GetConnection()
if (!IsUnitOfWorkOpen)
throw new InvalidOperationException(
"There is not current unit of work from which to get a connection. Call BeginTransaction first");
return _unitOfWork.Connection;
public UnitOfWork Create()
if (IsUnitOfWorkOpen)
throw new InvalidOperationException(
"Cannot begin a transaction before the unit of work from the last one is disposed");
_unitOfWork = new UnitOfWork(_connection);
return _unitOfWork;
public interface IConnectionContext
SQLiteConnection GetConnection();
public interface IUnitOfWorkContext
UnitOfWork Create();
public class EntityRepository
private readonly IConnectionContext _context;
public EntityRepository(IConnectionContext context)
_context = context;
public async Task<int> CreateAsync(int value)
return await _context.GetConnection().QuerySingleAsync<int>(
insert into Entity (Value) values (@value);
select last_insert_rowid();
", new { value });
public async Task<Entity> GetOrDefaultAsync(int id)
return await _context.GetConnection().QuerySingleOrDefaultAsync<Entity>(
select * from Entity where Id = @id
", new { id });
public static void Main(string[] args)
using (var connection = new SQLiteConnection("Data Source=:memory:"))
var context = new UnitOfWorkContextContext(connection);
var repo = new EntityRepository(context);
MyBusinessCode(repo, context).ConfigureAwait(false).GetAwaiter().GetResult();
/// <summary>
/// Register a single instance using whatever DI system you like.
/// </summary>
class ConnectionFactory
private string _connectionString;
public ConnectionFactory(string connectionString)
_connectionString = connectionString;
public IDbConnection CreateConnection()
return new SqlConnection(_connectionString);
/// <summary>
/// Generally, in a properly normalized database, your repos wouldn't map to a single table,
/// but be an aggregate of data from several tables.
/// </summary>
class ProductRepo
private ConnectionFactory _connectionFactory;
public ProductRepo(ConnectionFactory connectionFactory)
_connectionFactory = connectionFactory;
public Product Get(int id)
// Allow connection pooling to worry about connection lifetime, that's its job.
using (var con = _connectionFactory.CreateConnection())
return con.Get<Product>(id);
// ...
class OrderRepo
// As above.
// ...
class ProductController : ControllerBase
private ProductRepo _productRepo;
private OrderRepo _orderRepo;
public ProductController(ProductRepo productRepo, OrderRepo orderRepo)
_productRepo = productRepo;
_orderRepo = orderRepo;
public Task<IAsyncResult> Get(int id)
// This establishes your transaction.
// Default isolation level is 'serializable' which is generally desirable and is configurable.
// Enable async flow option in case subordinate async code results in a thread continuation switch.
// If you don't need this transaction here, don't use it, or put it where it is needed.
using (var trn = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeAsyncFlowOption.Enabled))
Product product = _productRepo.Get(id);
// Use additional repositories and do something that actually requires an explicit transaction.
// A single SQL statement does not require a transaction on SQL Server due to default autocommit mode.
// ...
return Ok(product);
namespace Dapper.CQS.Example.Controllers
public class PropertyController : ControllerBase
private readonly IUnitOfWork _unitOfWork;
public PropertyController(IUnitOfWork unitOfWork)
_unitOfWork = unitOfWork;
public async Task<ActionResult<Property>> GetById([FromQuery] int id)
var property = await _unitOfWork.QueryAsync(new PropertyGetByIdQuery(id));
return property == null ? NoContent() : Ok(property);
public async Task<ActionResult<List<Property>>> Filter([FromQuery] string? name)
var properties = await _unitOfWork.QueryAsync(new PropertyFilterQuery(name));
return Ok(properties);
public async Task<ActionResult<PagedList<Property>>> PagedFilter([FromQuery] string? name, int page = 1, int pageSize = 5)
var properties = await _unitOfWork.QueryAsync(new PropertyPagedFilterQuery(name, page, pageSize));
return Ok(properties);
public async Task<ActionResult<Property>> Create([FromBody] Property property)
var createdId = await _unitOfWork.ExecuteAsync(new PropertyCreateCommand(property));
await _unitOfWork.CommitAsync();
property.Id = createdId;
return Ok(property);
public async Task<ActionResult> Delete([FromQuery] int id)
await _unitOfWork.ExecuteAsync(new PropertyDeleteCommand(id));
await _unitOfWork.CommitAsync();
return Ok();
namespace Dapper.CQS.Example.CommandQueries
public class PropertyPagedFilterQuery : QueryPagedBase<Property>
public string? Name { get; set; }
protected override CommandType CommandType => CommandType.Text;
protected override string Procedure => @"
FROM Properties WHERE Name = @Name OR @Name IS NULL
OFFSET (@page -1 ) * @pageSize ROWS
public PropertyPagedFilterQuery(string? name, int page, int pageSize)
Name = name;
Page = page;
PageSize = pageSize;
QueryBase 将使用 Dapper
public abstract class QueryPagedBase<T> : CommandQuery, IQuery<PagedList<T>>, IQueryAsync<PagedList<T>>
public int Page { get; set; }
public int PageSize { get; set; }
protected virtual string FieldCount => "COUNT";
public virtual PagedList<T> Query(IDbConnection connection, IDbTransaction? transaction)
var result = connection.Query<T, int, (T Item, int Count)>(Procedure, (a, b) => (a, b), GetParams(), transaction, commandType: CommandType, splitOn: FieldCount);
return ToPagedList(result);
public virtual async Task<PagedList<T>?> QueryAsync(IDbConnection connection, IDbTransaction? transaction, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
var result = await connection.QueryAsync<T, int, (T Item, int Count)>(Procedure, (a, b) => (a, b), GetParams(), transaction, commandType: CommandType, splitOn: FieldCount);
return ToPagedList(result!);
private PagedList<T> ToPagedList(IEnumerable<(T Item, int Count)> result)
return new PagedList<T>
PageSize = PageSize,
Page = Page,
TotalRecords = result.Select(t => t.Count).FirstOrDefault(),
Items = result.Select(t => t.Item).ToList()
public interface IUnitOfWork
Task SaveChangesAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken);
public interface IRepository<TEntity, in TId> where TEntity : EntityBase<TId> where TId : IComparable<TId>
Task<TEntity> GetByIdAsync(TId id, CancellationToken cancellationToken);
TEntity Add(TEntity entity);
void Update(TEntity entity);
void Remove(TEntity entity);
public abstract class EntityBase<TId> where TId : IComparable<TId>
public TId Id { get; }
protected EntityBase()
protected EntityBase(TId id)
Id = id;
public class WeatherForecast : EntityBase<int>
// ...
internal class AppUnitOfWork : IAppUnitOfWork, IDisposable
private readonly IDbConnection _connection;
private IDbTransaction _transaction;
public IWeatherForecastsRepository WeatherForecasts { get; private set; }
// Example for using in ASP.NET Core
// IAppUnitOfWork should be registered as scoped in DI container
public AppUnitOfWork(IConfiguration configuration)
// I was using MySql in my project, the connection will be different for different DBMS
_connection = new MySqlConnection(configuration["ConnectionStrings:MySql"]);
_transaction = _connection.BeginTransaction();
WeatherForecasts = new WeatherForecastsRepository(_connection, _transaction);
public Task SaveChangesAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
_transaction = _connection.BeginTransaction();
WeatherForecasts = new WeatherForecastsRepository(_connection, _transaction);
return Task.CompletedTask;
public void Dispose()
很简单。但是当我试图实现特定的存储库接口时,我遇到了一个问题。我的域模型很丰富(没有公共设置器,一些属性包装在值对象中等等)。Dapper 无法处理这样的类。它不知道如何将值对象映射到 db 列,当您尝试从 db 中选择某个值时,它会抛出错误并表示无法实例化实体对象。一种选择是创建私有构造函数,其参数与数据库列名称和类型相匹配,但这是一个非常糟糕的决策,因为域层不应该了解数据库的任何信息。