Firefox 插件来查看/编辑/创建 localStorage 数据?

有没有一个插件,让你查看,编辑,localStorage信息? 如果有,它作为 Firebug 的一个扩展,我会非常高兴。


类似于 火焰饼干,但对于 localStorage

Firecookie Firecookie


77598 次浏览

You can create, view, and edit localStorage in Firebug, no extension is needed. jjb

I've created a Firefox add-on to provide functionality similar to Webkit's.

You can find the add-on here:

Let me know what you think.

There is a new extension that is very useful for seeing and clearing localStorage, en mass. It is Foundstone HTML5 Local Storage Explorer.

What's good about it is that it shows all localStorage for every site -- not one site at a time like the other answers to this Q (so far).

Unfortunately, it does not provide an easy way to add or edit localStorage values, but that's not too hard in Firefox, anyway.

To Add, Edit, or Delete individual localStorage values in Firefox (Firebug is not needed):

  1. Navigate to the domain in question, for example: .

  2. Open Firefox's console (Ctrl Shift K in windows).

  3. Set a value like: = "bar".  
    Or use localStorage.setItem ("foo", "bar").

  4. Change a value like: = "all day".
    Or use localStorage.setItem ("foo", "all day").

  5. Delete a value like: localStorage.removeItem ("foo").

you can also use Steve Souder's Mobile Perf javascript plugin

mobile perf plugin

He gives you a browser link you can click on any website to get javascript debugging tools.

Storager provides local and session storage viewing, It also allows you to export to jdrop website to inspect contents remotely, which is great for debugging local storage on mobile devices.

You can also use the "Offline Data" bookmarklet to quickly inspect localStorage, sessionStorage and cookies stored by a web page:

FireStorage Plus! A great new FireFox Addon which is officially recognized by Firebug is available from the Mozilla gallery:

This plugin extends Firebug to give you the functionality you need. As with Firebug itself, FireStorage Plus! is currently under heavy development so new features come out every couple of days...

It is stable and ready for use...

enter image description here enter image description here enter image description here

That's easy to dump in built-in Firefox debug tools, just type in console:



enter image description here

Or you can use the Storage Inspector of the built-in Firefox Developer Tools (is disabled by default so you need to enable it in their settings under Default Developer Tools > Storage).

Storage Inspector option in the Settings panel