如何为组织帐户生成 GitHub OAuth 令牌?

我在 GitHub 上创建了一个组织。我的组织有一些回购协议。这些回购有 API 文档,我想重新建立和发布到 gh-pages分支通过特拉维斯-CI。为了让 Travis-CI 访问我的组织的回购协议,我需要生成一个 OAuth 令牌,加密它,然后添加,然后包括加密令牌在 .travis.yml文件如下..。

- secure: "lots-of-seemingly-random-characters"

这个 所以邮局解释了这个过程,并提供了有关如何为用户帐户执行此操作的详细信息。如何为组织帐户生成所需的 OAuth 令牌?

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That's not possible currently, you can only create tokens for user accounts since user accounts have permissions associated with them (organizations don't). So, you'd need to create a token with an account which has access to the repository in question and give that to Travis. You can also create a machine account for that purpose.