Special Instructions [IPTC Core] Alternative label from older IPTC IIM
schema, used for "Instructions."
Instructions [IPTC Core] This is a simple text field that can include
any of a number of instructions from the provider or creator to the
receiver of the photograph. Any of the following might be included:
embargoes (eg: News Magazines OUT) and other restrictions not covered
by the Rights Usage Terms field (or new PLUS rights related fields);
information regarding the original means of capture (scanning notes,
color profile, etc.) or other specific text information the user may
need for accurate reproduction; additional permissions or credits
required when publishing. Note: This field is “shared” with the
“Instructions” field in the Origin panel of the Adobe Photoshop File
Info dialogue.
Examples: *Image to be used one time only, non-exclusive in
English-language-edition magazine as inside image, no larger than a
full page in color. Additional third-party rights to be negotiated
with Julie Doe / XYZ Agency in advance. All rights not specifically
granted are reserved. See delivery memo for specific license.
For consideration only; no reproduction in any form without prior,
written permission.*
I also found 3 images with only 86 mystery bytes after FBMD, e.g. 23000986030000f91d0000e5230000502900004889000041ac000004c900007aee0000cf0f0100f02d0100, also saved in the past few months. Same bytes there were:
[...] on 2014-11-13, Facebook introduced a new tracking code. It appears as
an IPTC Special Instructions metadata field. They look like:
Special Instructions: FBMD01000ac60300004a1d00002d4b000067580000c9650000d5fc000054350100953a0100d3420100e84b01005f8f0100
Special Instructions: FBMD23000969010000b1590000cb7700000a8600000c07010046820100b8c0010052590200e5c902006e440300
I think that "FBMD" stands for "Facebook Member Data" (but I could be
I've manged to decode one interesting aspect in these strings: the
length. Each string starts with "FBMD", two hex characters (1 bytes),
and a 16-byte (4-character) length. Then comes length+1 sets of 32-bit
(8-byte) values.
"Upload picture and Facebook tags it with a secretly embedded tag: A008E8E97FA55
Friend “A” on Facebook downloads it.
Friend “A” texts it to another friend – someone you don’t know, their friend Friend “B”, and another friend of theirs Friend “C.”
Friend “B” isn’t on Facebook, or maybe they mostly just post to Reddit.
Friend “B” posts to Reddit. Facebook sees this (by scouring Reddit systematically, the way search engines scour the entire ‘web’ in general). After seeing this a few times, quickly repeated, Facebook now knows you are somewhat close to Friend “B.”
So now Facebook knows who another of your “Friend of a Friend” connections are – a person you don’t even know about yourself!
Repeat this activity on a large scale, and now Facebook knows your Facebook friends, Facebook followers, and your real-world friends, co-workers, and associations. They even know your “friends of friends” (people you don’t know) and their buying and lifestyle details, and yours, and how your friendship circles fit together, even outside of facebook."