Gaussian/banker's rounding in JavaScript

我一直在使用 C # 中的 Math.Round(myNumber, MidpointRounding.ToEven)进行服务器端舍入,但是,用户需要知道‘ live’服务器端操作的结果是什么,这意味着(避免 阿贾克斯请求)创建一个 JavaScript 方法来复制 C # 使用的 MidpointRounding.ToEven方法。

Toeven 是 Gaussian/四舍五入给你描述的会计系统的一种非常常见的舍入方法。

有人有这方面的经验吗?我在网上找到的例子,但他们没有四舍五入到一个 given小数位数..。

14213 次浏览
function evenRound(num, decimalPlaces) {
var d = decimalPlaces || 0;
var m = Math.pow(10, d);
var n = +(d ? num * m : num).toFixed(8); // Avoid rounding errors
var i = Math.floor(n), f = n - i;
var e = 1e-8; // Allow for rounding errors in f
var r = (f > 0.5 - e && f < 0.5 + e) ?
((i % 2 == 0) ? i : i + 1) : Math.round(n);
return d ? r / m : r;

console.log( evenRound(1.5) ); // 2
console.log( evenRound(2.5) ); // 2
console.log( evenRound(1.535, 2) ); // 1.54
console.log( evenRound(1.525, 2) ); // 1.52


For what looks like a more rigorous treatment of this (I've never used it), you could try this 大数 implementation.

The accepted answer does round to a given number of places. In the process it calls toFixed which converts the number to a string. Since this is expensive, I offer the solution below. It rounds a number ending in 0.5 to the nearest even number. It does not handle rounding to an arbitrary number of places.

function even_p(n){
return (0===(n%2));

function bankers_round(x){
var r = Math.round(x);
return (((((x>0)?x:(-x))%1)===0.5)?((even_p(r))?r:(r-1)):r);

@ soegaard 提供了一个很好的解决方案。 这里有一个小小的改变,使它适用于小数点:

bankers_round(n:number, d:number=0) {
var x = n * Math.pow(10, d);
var r = Math.round(x);
var br = (((((x>0)?x:(-x))%1)===0.5)?(((0===(r%2)))?r:(r-1)):r);
return br / Math.pow(10, d);


console.log(" 1.5 -> 2 : ", bankers_round(1.5) );
console.log(" 2.5 -> 2 : ", bankers_round(2.5) );
console.log(" 1.535 -> 1.54 : ", bankers_round(1.535, 2) );
console.log(" 1.525 -> 1.52 : ", bankers_round(1.525, 2) );

console.log(" 0.5 -> 0 : ", bankers_round(0.5) );
console.log(" 1.5 -> 2 : ", bankers_round(1.5) );
console.log(" 0.4 -> 0 : ", bankers_round(0.4) );
console.log(" 0.6 -> 1 : ", bankers_round(0.6) );
console.log(" 1.4 -> 1 : ", bankers_round(1.4) );
console.log(" 1.6 -> 2 : ", bankers_round(1.6) );

console.log(" 23.5 -> 24 : ", bankers_round(23.5) );
console.log(" 24.5 -> 24 : ", bankers_round(24.5) );
console.log(" -23.5 -> -24 : ", bankers_round(-23.5) );
console.log(" -24.5 -> -24 : ", bankers_round(-24.5) );

这是不寻常的堆栈溢出,其中底部的答案比接受的更好。只是清理了一下@xims 的解决方案,让它更加清晰一些:

function bankersRound(n, d=2) {
var x = n * Math.pow(10, d);
var r = Math.round(x);
var br = Math.abs(x) % 1 === 0.5 ? (r % 2 === 0 ? r : r-1) : r;
return br / Math.pow(10, d);


这是一个边缘情况,但仍然明智的做法是不允许它(或者非常清楚这意味着什么,例如 -2是四舍五入到最接近的数百)。

const isEven = (value: number) => value % 2 === 0;
const isHalf = (value: number) => {
const epsilon = 1e-8;
const remainder = Math.abs(value) % 1;

return remainder > .5 - epsilon && remainder < .5 + epsilon;

const roundHalfToEvenShifted = (value: number, factor: number) => {
const shifted = value * factor;
const rounded = Math.round(shifted);
const modifier = value < 0 ? -1 : 1;

return !isEven(rounded) && isHalf(shifted) ? rounded - modifier : rounded;

const roundHalfToEven = (digits: number, unshift: boolean) => {
const factor = 10 ** digits;

return unshift
? (value: number) => roundHalfToEvenShifted(value, factor) / factor
: (value: number) => roundHalfToEvenShifted(value, factor);

const roundDollarsToCents = roundHalfToEven(2, false);
const roundCurrency = roundHalfToEven(2, true);
  • 如果您不喜欢调用 fix ()的开销
  • 希望能够提供一个任意的规模
  • 不想引入浮点错误
  • 希望有可读的、可重用的代码

roundHalfToEven is a function that generates a fixed scale rounding function. I do my currency operations on cents, rather than dollars, to avoid introducing FPEs. The unshift param exists to avoid the overhead of unshifting and shifting again for those operations.


function bankersRound(n, decimalPlaces) {
// Create our multiplier for floating point precision issues.
const multiplier = Math.pow(10, decimalPlaces);
// Multiple by decimal places to avoid rounding issues w/ floats
const num = n * multiplier;
// Use standard rounding
const rounded = Math.round(num);
// Only odd numbers should be rounded
const shouldUseBankersRound = rounded % 2 !== 0;
// Subtract one to ensure the rounded number is even
const bankersRound = shouldUseBankersRound ? rounded - 1 : rounded;
// Return to original precision
return bankersRound / multiplier;

bankersRound(1.5255, 2),
bankersRound(1.53543, 2),
bankersRound(1.54543, 2),
bankersRound(1.54543, 3),
bankersRound(1.53529, 4),
bankersRound(1.53529, 2),
bankersRound(4.5, 0),
bankersRound(5.5, 0),
bankersRound(0.045, 2),
bankersRound(0.055, 2)

我对其他答案不满意。它们要么太冗长,要么代码太复杂,要么不能正确舍入负数。对于负数,我们必须巧妙地修正 JavaScript 的一个奇怪行为:

JavaScript 的 Math.round 有一个不同寻常的特性,它将半途而废的情况转向正无穷大,不管它们是正的还是负的。例如,2.5将四舍五入到3.0,而 -2.5将四舍五入到 -2.0。 来源

This is wrong, so we have to round down on negatives .5 before applying the bankers rounding, accordantly.

此外,正如 Math.round一样,我想四舍五入到下一个整数,并强制执行精度为0。我只是想 Math.round与正确的和固定的“半圆到偶数”的方法在正面和负面。它需要像其他编程语言(如 PHP (PHP_ROUND_HALF_EVEN)或 C # (MidpointRounding.ToEven))一样进行舍入。

* Returns a supplied numeric expression rounded to the nearest integer while rounding halves to even.
function roundMidpointToEven(x) {
const n = x >= 0 ? 1 : -1 // n describes the adjustment on an odd rounding from midpoint
const r = n * Math.round(n * x) // multiplying n will fix negative rounding
return Math.abs(x) % 1 === 0.5 && r % 2 !== 0 ? r - n : r // we adjust by n if we deal with a half on an odd rounded number

// testing by rounding cents:
for(let i = -10; i <= 10; i++) {
const val = i + .5
console.log(val + " => " + roundMidpointToEven(val))

Math.round以及我们定制的 roundMidpointToEven函数不会关心精度,因为用美分计算总是更好,以避免任何计算中的浮点问题。

然而,如果你不处理分数,你可以简单地乘除小数占位符数的适当因子,就像处理 Math.round一样:

const usd = 9.225;
const fact = Math.pow(10, 2) // A precision of 2, so 100 is the factor
console.log(roundMidpointToEven(usd * fact) / fact) // outputs 9.22 instead of 9.23

为了完全验证定制的 roundMidpointToEven函数,下面是使用 PHP 及其官方 PHP_ROUND_HALF_EVEN以及使用 MidpointRounding.ToEven的 C # 的相同输出:

for($i = -10; $i <= 10; $i++) {
$val = $i + .5;
echo $val . ' => ' . round($val, 0, PHP_ROUND_HALF_EVEN) . "<br />";
for(int i = -10; i <= 10; i++)
double val = i + .5;
Console.WriteLine(val + " => " + Math.Round(val, MidpointRounding.ToEven));

这两个代码片段返回的内容与我们自定义 roundMidpointToEven的测试调用相同:

-9.5 => -10
-8.5 => -8
-7.5 => -8
-6.5 => -6
-5.5 => -6
-4.5 => -4
-3.5 => -4
-2.5 => -2
-1.5 => -2
-0.5 => 0
0.5 => 0
1.5 => 2
2.5 => 2
3.5 => 4
4.5 => 4
5.5 => 6
6.5 => 6
7.5 => 8
8.5 => 8
9.5 => 10
10.5 => 10
