

我的问题源于这样一个事实,我找不到一个真正的描述时间和如何使用这种颜色。如果我滚动 再往下,我也会找到那个描述。


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Quoting from http://android-developers.blogspot.se/2014/08/material-design-in-2014-google-io-app.html:

In material design, UI element color palettes generally consist of one primary and one accent color.

The accent color is used more subtly throughout the app, to call attention to key elements. The resulting juxtaposition of a tamer primary color and a brighter accent, gives apps a bold, colorful look without overwhelming the app’s actual content.

You got good example in Material Design docs -> your palettes are shown in section "UI color application" - with blue colors being primary and pink being used for accents.

Here is what it means in practice (also FAB would most likely use pink background color)

enter image description here

Accent color is also known as Secondary color.

It is used for:

  • Buttons
  • Floating action buttons
  • Selection controls, like sliders and switches
  • Highlighting selected text
  • Progress bars
  • Links and headlines