android {
// set build flavor here to get the right gcm configuration.
//def myFlavor = "flavor1"
def myFlavor = "flavor2"
if (myFlavor.equals("flavor1")) {
println "--> flavor1 copy!"
copy {
from 'src/flavor1/'
include '*.json'
into '.'
} else {
println "--> flavor2 copy!"
copy {
from 'src/flavor2/'
include '*.json'
into '.'
// other stuff
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- Your API key would be on the following line -->
<string name="gcm_defaultSenderId">111111111111</string>
// set build flavor here to get the right Google-services configuration(Google Analytics).
def currentFlavor = "free" //This should match with Build Variant selection. free/paidFull/paidBasic
println "--> $currentFlavor copy!"
copy {
from "src/$currentFlavor/"
include 'google-services.json'
into '.'
//other stuff
事实上,只有一个谷歌——服务。MyApp/app/目录下的json是很好的,不需要使用附加脚本。但是要注意从应用目录MyApp/app/src/flavor1/res/中删除文件google-services.json,以避免错误类型Execution failed for task ':app:processDebugGoogleServices'. > No matching client found for package