如何使用@Value Spring 注释注入一个 Map?

如何使用 Spring 中的@Value 注释将属性文件中的值注入到 Map 中?

我的 Spring Java 类是,我尝试使用 $,但是得到以下错误消息:

无法自动连接字段: private java.util。映射 Test.standard; 嵌套的异常是 java.lang。IllegalArgumentException: 无法解析字符串值“ ${ com.test.standard }”中的占位符‘ com.test.standard’

public class Test {

private Map<String,Pattern> standard = new LinkedHashMap<String,Pattern>

private String enabled;


在. properties 文件中有以下属性

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You can inject .properties as a map in your class using @Resource annotation.

If you are working with XML based configuration, then add below bean in your spring configuration file:

 <bean id="myProperties" class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.PropertiesFactoryBean">
<property name="location" value="classpath:your.properties"/>

For, Annotation based:

@Bean(name = "myProperties")
public static PropertiesFactoryBean mapper() {
PropertiesFactoryBean bean = new PropertiesFactoryBean();
bean.setLocation(new ClassPathResource(
return bean;

Then you can pick them up in your application as a Map:

@Resource(name = "myProperties")
private Map<String, String> myProperties;

I believe Spring Boot supports loading properties maps out of the box with @ConfigurationProperties annotation.

According that docs you can load properties:


into bean like this:

public class Config {

private List<String> servers = new ArrayList<String>();

public List<String> getServers() {
return this.servers;

I used @ConfigurationProperties feature before, but without loading into map. You need to use @EnableConfigurationProperties annotation to enable this feature.

Cool stuff about this feature is that you can validate your properties.

You can inject values into a Map from the properties file using the @Value annotation like this.

The property in the properties file.


In your code.

@Value("#{${propertyname}}")  private Map<String,String> propertyname;

Note the hashtag as part of the annotation.

Here is how we did it. Two sample classes as follow:

import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.boot.context.properties.EnableConfigurationProperties;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Bean;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration;
import org.springframework.kafka.annotation.EnableKafka;
public class KafkaContainerConfig {

protected KafkaConsumerProperties kafkaConsumerProperties;

public ConsumerFactory<String, String> consumerFactory() {
return new DefaultKafkaConsumerFactory<>(kafkaConsumerProperties.getKafkaConsumerConfig());

public class KafkaConsumerProperties {
protected Map<String, Object> kafkaConsumerConfig = new HashMap<>();

public Map<String, Object> getKafkaConsumerConfig() {
return (kafkaConsumerConfig);

To provide the kafkaConsumer config from a properties file, you can use: mapname[key]=value

kafkaConsumerConfig[bootstrap.servers]=localhost:9092, localhost:9093, localhost:9094

To provide the kafkaConsumer config from a yaml file, you can use "[key]": value In application.yml file:

"[bootstrap.servers]": localhost:9092, localhost:9093, localhost:9094
"[group.id]": test-consumer-group-local
"[value.deserializer]": org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringDeserializer
"[key.deserializer]": org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringDeserializer

I had a simple code for Spring Cloud Config

like this:

In application.properties




@Bean(name = "mongoConfig")
@ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "spring.data.mongodb")
public Map<String, Map<String, String>> mongoConfig() {
return new HashMap();


@Qualifier(value = "mongoConfig")
private Map<String, String> mongoConfig;

@Bean(name = "mongoTemplates")
public HashMap<String, MongoTemplate> mongoTemplateMap() throws UnknownHostException {
HashMap<String, MongoTemplate> mongoTemplates = new HashMap<>();
for (Map.Entry<String, String>> entry : mongoConfig.entrySet()) {
String k = entry.getKey();
String v = entry.getValue();
MongoTemplate template = new MongoTemplate(new SimpleMongoDbFactory(new MongoClientURI(v)));
mongoTemplates.put(k, template);
return mongoTemplates;

To get this working with YAML, do this:

property-name: '{
key1: "value1",
key2: "value2"

Following worked for me:

SpingBoot 2.1.7.RELEASE

YAML Property (Notice value sourrounded by single quotes)

name: '{"key1": false, "key2": false, "key3": true}'

In Java/Kotlin annotate field with (Notice use of #) (For java no need to escape '$' with '\')


You can use below code.

Below code for application.yml

dbData: '{
"connectionURL": "http://tesst:3306",
"userName": "myUser",
"password": "password123"

to access these key and values using @Value annotation use below java code.

private Map<String,String> dbValues;