如何用迦太基更新 Cartfile 的一个图书馆?

我的 Cartfile 有很多图书馆。当我做 carthage update的时候,它会遍历所有的库。那会花很长时间。

有没有一种方法来更新只有一个图书馆迦太基? 这样的东西? (这将不工作)

carthage update "evgenyneu/moa"
45512 次浏览

Right now the answer is no... If your run carthage help update you'll see

Update and rebuild the project's dependencies

[--configuration Release]
the Xcode configuration to build (ignored if --no-build option is present)

[--platform all]
the platform to build for (ignored if --no-build option is present)

print xcodebuild output inline (ignored if --no-build option is present)

skip the building of dependencies after updating

use SSH for downloading GitHub repositories

add dependencies as Git submodules

check out dependency repositories even when prebuilt frameworks exist (ignored if --no-build option is present)

[--color auto]
whether to apply color and terminal formatting (one of ‘auto’, ‘always’, or ‘never’)

the directory containing the Carthage project

As you can see there is no mention to an option to specify only one dependency to update.

You should open an issue on the project repo asking to support that.

I ended up writing my own script that builds a single dependency for me and merges it with my existing dependencies. You can find it at https://github.com/ruipfcosta/carthage-workarounds.

From 0.12 version build, checkout, and update take an optional space separated list of dependencies

For a Cartfile like the following

github "Alamofire/Alamofire"
github "ReactiveX/RxSwift"

You could choose to update one dependency

carthage update Alamofire

or multiple dependencies

carthage update Alamofire RxSwift

If you need to add flags, add them last:

carthage update Alamofire --platform iOS

Carthage supports updating single dependencies now.If you have something like this in your Cartfile:

github "bitstadium/HockeySDK-iOS"

Then you can update only this one dependency by running

carthage update HockeySDK-iOS

If the framework isn't stored in GitHub, or you are using the git identifier, and your cartfile looks like this:

git "ssh://git@bitbucket.org/teamname/repo-name.git" ~> 1.0

then you can update only that one running the following command

carthage update repo-name

I tried all of the answers, and for me only removing or commenting temporarily the repositories and after running

carthage update --platform ios

after I restore the Catfile to previous state

Swift 5

//MARK:- Step 1
carthage update KeychainAccess --platform iOS

carthage update SDKNAME(like i mention KeychainAccess upper) --platform iOS

if you face an Error like this

//MARK:- If this error occur
error: unable to find utility "xcodebuild", not a developer tool or in PATH

Then use Part 1 in Terminal Again

sudo xcode-select -s /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer

and again

sudo xcode-select -s /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer

Carthage --no-use-binaries and specific schema

[Carthage flow]

carthage [update|bootstrap|checkout|build] [dependency1] [dependency2] [--no-use-binaries] [--platform <name>]

//--no-use-binaries - does not use prebuild binary and use source code
//--platform - specify a platform

The longest phase is a carthage build(xcodebuild) step because:

  1. carthage build generates fat binary which is built using lipo[About]

  2. Carthage builds all shared frameworks schemes of a project. If you know which exactly schema which you need you can:

    • [UI] Open built project from Carthage/Checkouts folder -> Manage Schemes... -> check specific schemes

    • [Manually] Leave specific schemes at xcschemes folder .../Carthage/Checkouts/<dependency>/<project>.xcodeproj/xcshareddata/xcschemes/<schema>.xcscheme

[Carthage --no-use-binaries]

Looks like carthage update repo-name doesn't work on Carthage 0.36.0. I solved this problem by manually updating Carthage.resolved. For example, add to a Cartfile a new dependency:

github "konkab/AlamofireNetworkActivityLogger" ~> 3.0.0

Add to a Cartfile.resolved a new dependency manually:

github "konkab/AlamofireNetworkActivityLogger" "3.0.0"

Then do carthage bootstrap to only update one dependency:

carthage bootstrap

It will use Carthage.resolved and just add one dependency.