The approach of removing offending characters is potentially problematic. What if there's another . in the string somewhere? It won't be removed, though it should!
Removing non-digits or periods, the string joe.smith ($3,004.50) would transform into the unparseable .3004.50.
Imho, it is better to match a specific pattern, and extract it using a group. Something simple would be to find all contiguous commas, digits, and periods with regexp:
Sample test run:
Pattern understood as:
Enter string to check if matches pattern
> a2.3 fjdfadfj34 34j3424 2,300 adsfa
Group 0 match: "2.3"
Group 0 match: "34"
Group 0 match: "34"
Group 0 match: "3424"
Group 0 match: "2,300"
Then for each match, remove all commas and send that to the parser. To handle case of something like 12.323.344, you could do another check to see that a matching substring has at most one ..
For the accepted answer, MatthewGunn raises a valid point in that all digits, commas, and periods in the entire string will be condensed together. This will avoid that:
string s = "joe.smith ($3,004.50)";
Regex r = new Regex(@"(?:^|[^w.,])(\d[\d,.]+)(?=\W|$)/)");
Match m = r.match(s);
string v = null;
if (m.Success) {
v = m.Groups[1].Value;
v = Regex.Replace(v, ",", "");