Capture all the uppercase letters and also match the preceding optional dot character.
Then convert the captured uppercase letters to lowercase and then return back to replace function with an _ as preceding character. This will be achieved by using anonymous function in the replacement part.
This would replace the starting uppercase letter to _ + lowercase_letter.
Finally removing the starting underscore will give you the desired output.
var s = 'TypeOfData.AlphaBeta';
console.log(s.replace(/(?:^|\.?)([A-Z])/g, function (x,y){return "_" + y.toLowerCase()}).replace(/^_/, ""));
var s = 'TypeOfData.AlphaBeta';
alert(s.replace(/\.?([A-Z])/g, function (x,y){return "_" + y.toLowerCase()}).replace(/^_/, ""));
any way to stop it for when a whole word is in uppercase. eg. MotorRPM into motor_rpm instead of motor_r_p_m? or BatteryAAA into battery_aaa instead of battery_a_a_a?
var s = 'MotorRMP';
alert(s.replace(/\.?([A-Z]+)/g, function (x,y){return "_" + y.toLowerCase()}).replace(/^_/, ""));
function toCamelCase(s) {
// remove all characters that should not be in a variable name
// as well underscores an numbers from the beginning of the string
s = s.replace(/([^a-zA-Z0-9_\- ])|^[_0-9]+/g, "").trim().toLowerCase();
// uppercase letters preceeded by a hyphen or a space
s = s.replace(/([ -]+)([a-zA-Z0-9])/g, function(a,b,c) {
return c.toUpperCase();
// uppercase letters following numbers
s = s.replace(/([0-9]+)([a-zA-Z])/g, function(a,b,c) {
return b + c.toUpperCase();
return s;
Lodash is a fine library to give shortcut to many everyday js tasks.There are many other similar string manipulation functions such as camelCase, kebabCase etc.
var s1 = 'someTextHere';
var s2 = 'SomeTextHere';
var s3 = 'TypeOfData.AlphaBeta';
var o1 = s1.split(/\.?(?=[A-Z])/).join('_').toLowerCase();
var o2 = s2.split(/\.?(?=[A-Z])/).join('_').toLowerCase();
var o3 = s3.split(/\.?(?=[A-Z])/).join('_').toLowerCase();
Problem - Need to convert a camel-case string ( such as a property name ) into underscore style to meet interface requirements or for meta-programming.
This line uses a feature of regular expressions where it can return a matched result ( first pair of () is $1, second is $2, etc ).
Each match in the string is converted to have an underscore ahead of it with _$1 string provided. At that point the string looks like alpha_Beta_Gamma.
To correct the capitalization, the entire string is converted toLowerCase().
Since toLowerCase is a fairly expensive operation, its best not to put it in the looping handler for each match-case, and run it once on the entire string.
After toLowerCase it the resulting string is alpha_beta_gamma ( in this example )
A Non-Regex Answer that converts PascalCase to snake_case
Note: I understand there are tons of good answers which solve this question elegantly. I was recently working on something similar to this where I chose not to use regex. So I felt to answer a non-regex solution to this.