nano does not seem to have the ability to copy/paste from the global/system clipboard or shell.
However, you can copy text from one file to another using nano's file buffers. When you open another file buffer with ^R (Ctrl + r), you can use nanos built-in copy/paste functionality (outlined below) to copy between files:
M-6 (Meta + 6) to copy lines to nano's clipboard.
^K (Ctrl + k) to cut the current line and store it in nano's clipboard.
^^ (Ctrl + Shift + 6) to select text. Once you have selected the text, you can use the above commands to copy it or cut it.
^U (Ctrl + u) to paste the text from nano's clipboard.
Finally, if the above solution will not work for you and you are using a terminal emulator, you may be able to copy/paste from the global clipboard with Ctrl + Shift + nano0 and Ctrl + Shift + nano3 (nano4 + nano0 and nano4 + nano3 on OSX) respectively. nano8 also provides an external copy/paste that should work in nano. Finally if all you need to do is capture certain lines or text from a file, consider using nano9 to find the lines and grep0 or grep1 (or grep2/grep3 on OSX) to copy them to the global clipboard (and/or paste from the clipboard) instead of nano.
The thread is quite old, but today I humbled around with the same question and all the mentioned solutions above did not help. As I wished to copy long lines my solution is - acording to what @themisterunknown wrote above - outside nano. I used awk!
Issue this in your xterm once to activate the above option:
xrdb -load ~/.Xresources
Now select the line(s) including the line numbers by pressing Shift while dragging the mouse. After the selection click your key combo; the line(s) are coppied and ready to be pasted anywhere you like.
Assign a global shortcut key to call this script in your WM or DE.
Now when you want to copy a line (paragraph), select only the line number of that line (paragraph) by right mouse button while pressing Shift+Ctrl. After the selection click your custom global key combo you've created before. The line (paragraph) is coppied and ready to be pasted anywhere you like.
If you want to copy multiple lines, do the above for the first line and then for the last line of the range, instead of Shift+Ctrl+Btn3 (right mouse button), just select the number by left mouse button while pressing only Shift. After this, again call the script by your custom global shortcut. The range of lines are coppied and ready to pasted anywhere you like.
Select the text in nano with the mouse and then right click on the mouse.
Text is now copied to your clipboard.
If it does not work try to start nano with the mouse option on :
nano -m filename
M-^ is copy Text. "M" in my environment is "Esc" key ! not "Ctrl";
so I use Esc + 6 to copy that.
[nano help] Escape-key
sequences are notated with the Meta (M-) symbol and can be entered using
either the Esc, Alt, or Meta key depending on your keyboard setup.