

Chrome 在设置中增加了一个新功能,你可以添加一个卡号。需要同时禁用这个功能。

在所有浏览器中起作用的是在表单级执行这个 autocomplete=false

但这不符合 w3规则,因为它们强制使用 autocomplete=off|on

有人能解释一下为什么 false可以在所有浏览器中工作吗?

甚至 ie8,所有的火狐,狩猎等,但它是不兼容的。

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You are right. Setting the autocomplete attribute to "off" does not disable Chrome autofill in more recent versions of Chrome.

However, you can set autocomplete to anything besides "on" or "off" ("false", "true", "nofill") and it will disable Chrome autofill.

This behavior is probably because the autocomplete attribute expects either an "on" or "off" value and doesn't do anything if you give it something else. So if you give it something other than those values, autofill falls apart/doesn't do anything.

With the current version of Chrome it has been found that setting the autocomplete attribute to "off" actually works now.

Also, I have found that this only works if you set the autocomplete attribute in each <input> tag of the form.

There has been a response to this ambiguity in the Chromium bug listings here.

Disclaimer: This was found to be true in Chrome version 47.0.2526.106 (64-bit)

As an addition to @camiblanch answer

Adding autocomplete="off" is not gonna cut it.
Change input type attribute to type="search".
Google doesn't apply auto-fill to inputs with a type of search.

Use autocomplete="my-field-name" instead of autocomplete="off". Be careful what you call it, since some values are still recognized like autocomplete="country". I also found that using the placeholder attribute helped in some tricky scenarios.

<input type="text" name="field1" autocomplete="my-field-name1" placeholder="Enter your name">

Chrome recently stopped using autocomplete="off" because they thought it was overused by developers who didn't put much thought into whether or not the form should autocomplete. Thus they took out the old method and made us use a new one to ensure we really don't want it to autocomplete.

$("#selector").attr("autocomplete", "randomString");

This has worked reliably everytime for me.

Note : I have invoked this LOC on modal show event.

After Chrome version 72.XX:

Chrome ignores autocomplete="off" autocomplete="no-fill" or autocomplete="randomText" both on field and form level.

The only option I found is to follow a work-around by tricking Chrome to populate the autofill on a dummy Textbox and password and then hide them from the user view.

Remember the old method with style="display: hidden" or style="visibility: hidden" is also ignored.


So create a DIV with height: 0px;overflow:hidden which will still render the HTML elements but hide them from User's view.

Sample Code:

<div style="overflow: hidden; height: 0px;background: transparent;" data-description="dummyPanel for Chrome auto-fill issue">
<input type="text" style="height:0;background: transparent; color: transparent;border: none;" data-description="dummyUsername"></input>
<input type="password" style="height:0;background: transparent; color: transparent;border: none;" data-description="dummyPassword"></input>

Just add the above div within the HTML Form and it should work!

autocomplete="none" perfectly works for angularjs and angular 7

Auto complete value other that off and false works.

autoComplete="nope" autoComplete="foo" autoComplete="boo" autoComplete="anythingGoesHere"

Tested on chrome 76 and react 16.9.0

If anyones reading this and is having difficulty disabling autocomplete on username and password fields for new users, I found setting autocomplete="new-password" works in Chrome 77. It also prevented the username field from auto completing.

Ref: https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/form-control-infrastructure.html#autofill

Setting the autocomplete attribute to true|false or on|off both does not work in all the conditions. Even when you try with to placeholder also it wont work.

I tried to use autocomplete="no" for avoiding the chrome autofill plugin.

This autocomplete="no" should be written inside a input line, for example

Although it might not be the most elegant solution, this worked for me:

JQuery version:


VanillaJS version:

document.querySelectorAll("input:-internal-autofill-selected").forEach(function(item){item.value = '';})

When Chrome autofills an input field, the fields gets an internal pseudo element -internal-autofill-selected (which also gives the input the light blue background). We can use this pseudo element as selector in order to undo the Chrome autocomplete/autofill.

Please note that you may (depends on your implementation) need to wrap your code in a timeout as Chrome autofills after the DOM is loaded.

It's 2020 and if someone is still struggling with it as I did. The only solution that worked for me is as follows, setting autocomplete to any random string disables the autocomplete but it works only if its done after the page load. If that random string is kept as default value then chrome annoyingly sets it back to off. So what worked for me is (I'm using jquery) on document ready event, I added the following,

window.setTimeout(function () {
$('your-selector').attr('autocomplete', 'google-stop-doing-this');
}, 1000);

Without the timeout, Chrome still somehow resets its back to off.

if there any "password type input" in your form you can try this;

<input type="password" ..... autocomplete="new-password" />

Try this over input tag:

readonly onfocus="this.removeAttribute('readonly');


<input type="text" class="form-control" autocomplete="false" readonly onfocus="this.removeAttribute('readonly');">

Not perfect but working solution using jquery

if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Chrome") != -1) {
$("#selector").attr("autocomplete", "nope"); // to disable auto complete on chrome

worked for me.

Try this one: .

<input type="text" autocomplete="__away">