>>> d = dict(a=1,b=2,c=3)
>>> d
{'a': 1, 'c': 3, 'b': 2}
>>> a, b = [d[k] for k in ('a','b')]
>>> a
>>> b
>>> a, b = (d[k] for k in ('a','b'))
>>> a
>>> b
def destructure(dict_):
if not isinstance(dict_, dict):
raise TypeError(f"{dict_} is not a dict")
# the parent frame will contain the information about
# the current line
parent_frame = inspect.currentframe().f_back
# so we extract that line (by default the code context
# only contains the current line)
(line,) = inspect.getframeinfo(parent_frame).code_context
# "hello, key = destructure(my_dict)"
# -> ("hello, key ", "=", " destructure(my_dict)")
lvalues, _equals, _rvalue = line.strip().partition("=")
# -> ["hello", "key"]
keys = [s.strip() for s in lvalues.split(",") if s.strip()]
if missing := [key for key in keys if key not in dict_]:
raise KeyError(*missing)
for key in keys:
yield dict_[key]
In [5]: my_dict = {"hello": "world", "123": "456", "key": "value"}
In [6]: hello, key = destructure(my_dict)
In [7]: hello
Out[7]: 'world'
In [8]: key
Out[8]: 'value'