使用 AngularJS 中的 UI-Router 将状态重定向到默认子状态

我正在创建一个基于选项卡的页面,其中显示了一些数据。 我在 AngularJs 中使用 UI 路由器来注册状态。


我用 onEnter函数进行测试,内部使用的是 $state.go('mainstate.substate');,但似乎由于循环效应问题(在 state.go 子状态上,它调用其父状态,等等,它变成了一个循环)而无法工作。


.state('main', {
url: '/main',
templateUrl: 'main.html',
onEnter: function($state) {

.state('main.street', {
url: '/street',
templateUrl: 'submenu.html',
params: {tabName: 'street'}

在这里我创建了一个 普鲁克演示



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Update: 1.0 Onwards Supports redirectTo out of the box.


I created an example here.

This solution comes from a nice "Comment" to an an issue with redirection using .when() (https://stackoverflow.com/a/27131114/1679310) and really cool solution for it (by Chris T, but the original post was by yahyaKacem)


So firstly let's extend main with redirection setting:

.state('main', {
url: '/main',
templateUrl: 'main.html',
redirectTo: 'main.street',

And add only this few lines into run

app.run(['$rootScope', '$state', function($rootScope, $state) {

$rootScope.$on('$stateChangeStart', function(evt, to, params) {
if (to.redirectTo) {
$state.go(to.redirectTo, params, {location: 'replace'})

This way we can adjust any of our states with its default redirection...Check it here

EDIT: Added option from comment by @Alec to preserve the browser history.

In fact even if this solution proposed by Radim did exactly the job, I needed to remember every tab's sub tab (state).

So I found another solution which do the same thing but also remembers every tab substate.

I all have to do was to install ui-router-extras and use the deep state redirect feature:

.state('main.street', {
url: '/main/street',
templateUrl: 'main.html',
deepStateRedirect: { default: { state: 'main.street.cloud' } },

Thank you!

Since version 1.0 of ui-router, a default hook has been introduced using IHookRegistry.onBefore() as demonstrated in the example Data Driven Default Substate in http://angular-ui.github.io/ui-router/feature-1.0/interfaces/transition.ihookregistry.html#onbefore

// state declaration
name: 'home',
template: '<div ui-view/>',
defaultSubstate: 'home.dashboard'

var criteria = {
to: function(state) {
return state.defaultSubstate != null;
$transitions.onBefore(criteria, function($transition$, $state) {
return $state.target($transition$.to().defaultSubstate);

As of version 1.0 of the ui-router it supports a redirectTo property. For example:

.state('A', {
redirectTo: 'A.B'



If someone comes here for an answer regarding how to implement a simple redirect for a state and, as it happened to me, doesn't have the opportunity to use the new router...

Obviously again if you can, @bblackwo answer is great:

$stateProvider.state('A', {
redirectTo: 'B',

If you can't then just manually redirect it:

$stateProvider.state('A', {
controller: $state => {

I hope it helps!