I setup elasticsearch and Kibana for indexing our application (error) logs. The issue is that Kibana doesn't display any data in the "Discover" tab.
Current situation
returns lots of results (see below on how a single found record looks like)applogs
index exposed by Elasticsearchapplogs
documentsAny ideas??
Here's how Kibana sees the applogs
Elastic search query result object looks like this:
_index: "applogs",
_type: "1",
_id: "AUxv8uxX6xaLDVAP5Zud",
_score: 1,
_source: {
appUid: "esb.Idman_v4.getPerson",
level: "trace",
message: "WS stopwatch is at 111ms.",
detail: "",
url: "",
user: "bla bla bla",
additionalInfo: "some more info",
timestamp: "2015-03-31T15:08:49"
..and what I see in the discover tab: