使用 Swift 1.1和 Xcode 6.2。
I have a UIStoryboard containing a singular, custom UIViewController
subclass. On it, I have an @IBOutlet
connection of type UIView
from that controller to a UIView
子类 on the storyboard. I also have similar outlets for subviews of that view. See figure A.
但是在运行时,这些属性是 nil (图 B)。尽管我已经保证我已经连接了 Interface Builder 的电源插座。
思想 :
和故事板项目类型(而不是 UIView
)图 A *
图 B
* Figure A
@IBOutlet private var annotationOptionsView: UIView!
@IBOutlet private var arrivingLeavingSwitch: UISegmentedControl!
Thank you.