

   color  x   y
0    red  0   0
1    red  1   1
2    red  2   2
3    red  3   3
4    red  4   4
5    red  5   5
6    red  6   6
7    red  7   7
8    red  8   8
9    red  9   9
10  blue  0   0
11  blue  1   1
12  blue  2   4
13  blue  3   9
14  blue  4  16
15  blue  5  25
16  blue  6  36
17  blue  7  49
18  blue  8  64
19  blue  9  81

我最终想要两条线,一条蓝线,一条红线。红线应该是 y = x,蓝线应该是 y = x ^ 2


df.plot(x='x', y='y')


有没有办法让熊猫知道有两套?然后把他们分组。我希望能够指定列 color作为集微分器

210522 次浏览

You could use groupby to split the DataFrame into subgroups according to the color:

for key, grp in df.groupby(['color']):

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

df = pd.read_table('data', sep='\s+')
fig, ax = plt.subplots()

for key, grp in df.groupby(['color']):
ax = grp.plot(ax=ax, kind='line', x='x', y='y', c=key, label=key)


yields enter image description here

You can use this code to get your desire output

import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
df = pd.DataFrame({'color': ['red','red','red','blue','blue','blue'], 'x': [0,1,2,3,4,5],'y': [0,1,2,9,16,25]})
print df

color  x   y
0   red  0   0
1   red  1   1
2   red  2   2
3  blue  3   9
4  blue  4  16
5  blue  5  25

To plot graph

a = df.iloc[[i for i in xrange(0,len(df)) if df['x'][i]==df['y'][i]]].plot(x='x',y='y',color = 'red')
df.iloc[[i for i in xrange(0,len(df)) if df['y'][i]== df['x'][i]**2]].plot(x='x',y='y',color = 'blue',ax=a)


Output The output result will look like this

Another simple way is to use the pandas.DataFrame.pivot function to format the data.

Use pandas.DataFrame.plot to plot. Providing the colors in the 'color' column exist in matplotlib: List of named colors, they can be passed to the color parameter.

# sample data
df = pd.DataFrame([['red', 0, 0], ['red', 1, 1], ['red', 2, 2], ['red', 3, 3], ['red', 4, 4], ['red', 5, 5], ['red', 6, 6], ['red', 7, 7], ['red', 8, 8], ['red', 9, 9], ['blue', 0, 0], ['blue', 1, 1], ['blue', 2, 4], ['blue', 3, 9], ['blue', 4, 16], ['blue', 5, 25], ['blue', 6, 36], ['blue', 7, 49], ['blue', 8, 64], ['blue', 9, 81]], columns=['color', 'x', 'y'])

# pivot the data into the correct shape
df = df.pivot(index='x', columns='color', values='y')

# display(df)
color  blue  red
0         0    0
1         1    1
2         4    2
3         9    3
4        16    4
5        25    5
6        36    6
7        49    7
8        64    8
9        81    9

# plot the pivoted dataframe; if the column names aren't colors, remove color=df.columns
df.plot(color=df.columns, figsize=(5, 3))

enter image description here

If you have seaborn installed, an easier method that does not require you to perform pivot:

import seaborn as sns

sns.lineplot(data=df, x='x', y='y', hue='color')

You can also try the following code to plot multiple lines in different colors with pandas data frame.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib as mpl
import numpy as np
from pandas import DataFrame

value1 = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50]
value2 = [5, 10, 15, 20, 25]
value3 = [8, 9, 10, 15, 20]

results1 = DataFrame({'SAC': value1, 'TD3': value2, 'DDPG': value3})

plt.legend(loc='lower right')


enter image description here

The most general way is to plot the different color based on the color group. That is, we use Dataframe.groupby to group the colors and then plot the data on the relevant axes.

For example

import numpy as np, pandas as pd, matplotlib.pyplot as plt
n = 1000
xy = np.random.rand(n,  2) + np.random.rand(n)[:, None]
color = np.random.randint(0, 3, size = n)
data = dict(x = xy[:, 0], y = xy[:, 1], color = color)
df = pd.DataFrame(data)

fig, ax = plt.subplots()
for labels, dfi in df.groupby("color"):
dfi.plot(ax = ax, x = 'x', y = 'y', label = labels)
ax.legend(title = 'color')

enter image description here