class cfile(file):
#subclass file to have a more convienient use of writeline
def __init__(self, name, mode = 'r'):
self = file.__init__(self, name, mode)
def wl(self, string):
self.writelines(string + '\n')
with cfile('filename.txt', 'w') as fid:
fid.wl('appends newline charachter')
fid.wl('is written on a new line')
#Takes a list of strings and prints it to a file.
def writeFile(file, strList):
line = 0
lines = []
while line < len(strList):
lines.append(cheekyNew(line) + strList[line])
line += 1
file = open(file, "w")
#Returns "\n" if the int entered isn't zero, otherwise "".
def cheekyNew(line):
if line != 0:
return "\n"
return ""
lines = ['hello','world']
with open('filename.txt', "w") as fhandle:
for line in lines:
def write_list(fname, lines):
with open(fname, "w") as fhandle:
for line in lines:
write_list('filename.txt', ['hello','world'])
f = File('console.log')
f.write('This is on the first line')
f.write('This is on the second line', newline=False)
f.write('This is still on the second line')
f.write('This is on the third line')
This is on the first line
This is on the second lineThis is still on the second line
This is on the third line
#Changed behavior is localized to single place.
with open('test1.txt', 'w') as file:
def decorate_with_new_line(method):
def decorated(text):
return decorated
file.write = decorate_with_new_line(file.write)
file.write('This will be on line 1')
file.write('This will be on line 2')
file.write('This will be on line 3')
#Standard behavior is not affected. No class was modified.
with open('test2.txt', 'w') as file:
file.write('This will be on line 1')
file.write('This will be on line 1')
file.write('This will be on line 1')
save_url = ".\test.txt"
your_text = "This will be on line 1"
print(your_text, file=open(save_url, "a+"))
another_text = "This will be on line 2"
print(another_text, file=open(save_url, "a+"))
another_text = "This will be on line 3"
print(another_text, file=open(save_url, "a+"))