An object is a construct, something static that has certain features and traits, such as properties and methods, it can be anything (a string, a usercontrol, etc)
Let's say you build five chairs according to the pattern in that diagram. Likewise, you could construct five software objects according to the pattern in a class.
我认为,如果我们考虑 OOP 以外的其他方法(主要是假设术语 同学们并不总是被使用,因为许多 C 项目仍然应用 物品的概念) ,下面的定义将是最有意义的:
同一类的所有 物品都可以以同样的方式使用,由 Class 定义。
实例是 反对的唯一实现。
As many OOP languages use static typing, the Object description is usually part of the Class already. As such, when talking about an 反对 in C/C++, what usually is meant is the 实例 of an 反对.
在没有静态类型的语言(如 JavaScript)中,对象可以具有不同的字段,同时仍然共享相同的 Class。