function add_months($months, DateTime $dateObject)
$next = new DateTime($dateObject->format('Y-m-d'));
$next->modify('last day of +'.$months.' month');
if($dateObject->format('d') > $next->format('d')) {
return $dateObject->diff($next);
} else {
return new DateInterval('P'.$months.'M');
function endCycle($d1, $months)
$date = new DateTime($d1);
// call second function to add the months
$newDate = $date->add(add_months($months, $date));
// goes back 1 day from date, remove if you want same day of month
$newDate->sub(new DateInterval('P1D'));
//formats final date to Y-m-d form
$dateReturned = $newDate->format('Y-m-d');
return $dateReturned;
$startDate = '2014-06-03'; // select date in Y-m-d format
$nMonths = 1; // choose how many months you want to move ahead
$final = endCycle($startDate, $nMonths); // output: 2014-07-02
Thanks Jason, your post was very helpful. I reformatted it and added more comments to help me understand it all. In case that helps anyone, I have posted it here:
function cycle_end_date($cycle_start_date, $months) {
$cycle_start_date_object = new DateTime($cycle_start_date);
//Find the date interval that we will need to add to the start date
$date_interval = find_date_interval($months, $cycle_start_date_object);
//Add this date interval to the current date (the DateTime class handles remaining complexity like year-ends)
$cycle_end_date_object = $cycle_start_date_object->add($date_interval);
//Subtract (sub) 1 day from date
$cycle_end_date_object->sub(new DateInterval('P1D'));
//Format final date to Y-m-d
$cycle_end_date = $cycle_end_date_object->format('Y-m-d');
return $cycle_end_date;
//Find the date interval we need to add to start date to get end date
function find_date_interval($n_months, DateTime $cycle_start_date_object) {
//Create new datetime object identical to inputted one
$date_of_last_day_next_month = new DateTime($cycle_start_date_object->format('Y-m-d'));
//And modify it so it is the date of the last day of the next month
$date_of_last_day_next_month->modify('last day of +'.$n_months.' month');
//If the day of inputted date (e.g. 31) is greater than last day of next month (e.g. 28)
if($cycle_start_date_object->format('d') > $date_of_last_day_next_month->format('d')) {
//Return a DateInterval object equal to the number of days difference
return $cycle_start_date_object->diff($date_of_last_day_next_month);
//Otherwise the date is easy and we can just add a month to it
} else {
//Return a DateInterval object equal to a period (P) of 1 month (M)
return new DateInterval('P'.$n_months.'M');
$cycle_start_date = '2014-01-31'; // select date in Y-m-d format
$n_months = 1; // choose how many months you want to move ahead
$cycle_end_date = cycle_end_date($cycle_start_date, $n_months); // output: 2014-07-02
$(document).ready( function() {
var day = ["Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday","Saturday"];
var a = new Date();
// $time - unix time or date in any format accepted by strtotime() e.g. 2020-02-29
// $days, $months, $years - values to add
// returns new date in format 2021-02-28
function addTime($time, $days, $months, $years)
// Convert unix time to date format
if (is_numeric($time))
$time = date('Y-m-d', $time);
$date_time = new DateTime($time);
catch (Exception $e)
echo $e->getMessage();
if ($days)
$date_time->add(new DateInterval('P'.$days.'D'));
// Preserve day number
if ($months or $years)
$old_day = $date_time->format('d');
if ($months)
$date_time->add(new DateInterval('P'.$months.'M'));
if ($years)
$date_time->add(new DateInterval('P'.$years.'Y'));
// Patch for adding months or years
if ($months or $years)
$new_day = $date_time->format("d");
// The day is changed - set the last day of the previous month
if ($old_day != $new_day)
$date_time->sub(new DateInterval('P'.$new_day.'D'));
// You can chage returned format here
return $date_time->format('Y-m-d');
$my_earliest_timestamp = 1532095200;
$my_latest_timestamp = 1554991200;
echo '<pre>';
echo "Earliest timestamp: ". date('c',$my_earliest_timestamp) ."\r\n";
echo "Latest timestamp: " .date('c',$my_latest_timestamp) ."\r\n\r\n";
echo "Month start of earliest timestamp: ". date('c',strtotime('first day of '. date('F Y',$my_earliest_timestamp))) ."\r\n";
echo "Month start of latest timestamp: " .date('c',strtotime('first day of '. date('F Y',$my_latest_timestamp))) ."\r\n\r\n";
echo "Month end of earliest timestamp: ". date('c',strtotime('last day of '. date('F Y',$my_earliest_timestamp)) + 86399) ."\r\n";
echo "Month end of latest timestamp: " .date('c',strtotime('last day of '. date('F Y',$my_latest_timestamp)) + 86399) ."\r\n\r\n";
$sMonth = strtotime('first day of '. date('F Y',$my_earliest_timestamp));
$eMonth = strtotime('last day of '. date('F Y',$my_earliest_timestamp)) + 86399;
$xMonth = strtotime('+1 month', strtotime('first day of '. date('F Y',$my_latest_timestamp)));
while ($eMonth < $xMonth) {
echo "Things from ". date('Y-m-d',$sMonth) ." to ". date('Y-m-d',$eMonth) ."\r\n\r\n";
$sMonth = $eMonth + 1; //add 1 second to bring forward last date into first second of next month.
$eMonth = strtotime('last day of '. date('F Y',$sMonth)) + 86399;
I like to subtract 1 from the 'day' to produce '2021-10-31' which can be useful if you want to display a range across 12 months, e.g. Oct 1, 2021 to Sep 30 2022