如何告诉 jaxb/Maven 生成多个模式包?



发生了什么: Maven 执行第一个插件,然后删除目标文件夹并创建第二个包,然后该包就可见了。

我尝试将 target/somdir1设置为第一个配置,将 target/somdir2设置为第二个配置。但是行为不会改变吗?有什么想法吗?我不想直接在 src/main/java 文件夹中生成包,因为这些包是生成的,不应该与手工创建的类混合。

126610 次浏览

you should change that to define the plugin only once and do twice execution areas...like the following...and the generateDirectory should be set (based on the docs)..


It seemed to me that you are fighting against single artifact rule of maven...may be you should think about this.

I had to specify different generateDirectory (without this, the plugin was considering that files were up to date and wasn't generating anything during the second execution). And I recommend to follow the target/generated-sources/<tool> convention for generated sources so that they will be imported in your favorite IDE automatically. I also recommend to declare several execution instead of declaring the plugin twice (and to move the configuration inside each execution element):


With this setup, I get the following result after a mvn clean compile

$ tree target/
├── classes
│   ├── com
│   │   └── stackoverflow
│   │       ├── App.class
│   │       ├── package1
│   │       │   ├── ObjectFactory.class
│   │       │   ├── Shiporder.class
│   │       │   ├── Shiporder$Item.class
│   │       │   └── Shiporder$Shipto.class
│   │       └── package2
│   │           ├── BookForm.class
│   │           ├── BooksForm.class
│   │           ├── ObjectFactory.class
│   │           └── package-info.class
│   ├── dir1
│   │   └── shiporder.xsd
│   └── dir2
│       └── books.xsd
└── generated-sources
├── xjc
│   └── META-INF
│       └── sun-jaxb.episode
├── xjc1
│   └── com
│       └── stackoverflow
│           └── package1
│               ├── ObjectFactory.java
│               └── Shiporder.java
└── xjc2
└── com
└── stackoverflow
└── package2
├── BookForm.java
├── BooksForm.java
├── ObjectFactory.java
└── package-info.java

Which seems to be the expected result.

i have solved with:


add this to each configuration ;)

You can use also JAXB bindings to specify different package for each schema, e.g.

<jaxb:bindings xmlns:jaxb="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/jaxb" xmlns:xjc="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/jaxb/xjc"
xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" version="2.0" schemaLocation="book.xsd">

<xjc:serializable uid="1" />

<jaxb:package name="com.stackoverflow.book" />


Then just use the new maven-jaxb2-plugin 0.8.0 <schemas> and <bindings> elements in the pom.xml. Or specify the top most directory in <schemaDirectory> and <bindingDirectory> and by <include> your schemas and bindings:


I think this is more convenient solution, because when you add a new XSD you do not need to change Maven pom.xml, just add a new XJB binding file to the same directory.

This can also be achieved by specifying stale file name for schemas and not clearing output directory. The default out put directory is automatically included in classpath which is little convenient. If we specify different output directory one has to take care of classpath to use this code in IDE. For example -


Source:Generating Code with JAXB Plugin

There is another, a clear one (IMO) solution to this There is a parameter called "staleFile" that uses as a flag to not generate stuff again. Simply alter it in each execution.

This is fixed in version 1.6 of the plugin.


Quick note though, I noticed that the first iteration output was being deleted. I fixed it by adding the following to each of the executions.


Here is my full working example with each iteration outputting correctly. BTW I had to do this due to a duplicate namespace problem with the xsd's I was given. This seems to resolve my problem.

<!-- <schemaFiles>getOrderStatusResponse.xsd,quoteShippingRequest.xsd,quoteShippingResponse.xsd,submitOrderRequest.xsd,submitOrderResponse.xsd</schemaFiles> -->
<!-- <schemaFiles>getOrderStatusResponse.xsd,quoteShippingRequest.xsd,quoteShippingResponse.xsd,submitOrderRequest.xsd,submitOrderResponse.xsd</schemaFiles> -->


The following works for me, after much trial





I encountered a lot of problems when using jaxb in Maven but i managed to solve your problem by doing the following

First create a schema.xjc file

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<jaxb:bindings xmlns:jaxb="http://java.sun.com/xml/ns/jaxb"
<jaxb:bindings schemaLocation="YOUR_URL?wsdl#types?schema1">
<jaxb:package name="your.package.name.schema1"/>
<jaxb:bindings schemaLocation="YOUR_URL??wsdl#types?schema2">
<jaxb:package name="your.package.name.schema2"/>

The package name can be anything you want it to be, as long as it doesn't contain any reserved keywords in Java

Next you have to create the wsimport.bat script to generate your packaged and code at the preferred location.

wsimport -keep -verbose -b "C:\YOUR\PATH\TO\schema.xjb" YOUR_URL?wsdl

If you do not want to use cd, you can put the wsimport.bat in "C:\YOUR\PATH\TO\PLACE\THE\PACKAGES"

If you run it without -keep -verbose it will only generate the packages but not the .java files.

The -b will make sure the schema.xjc is used when generating