模块“ Alamofire”没有名为“ request”的成员

我是 iOS 开发的新手,我在 README 安装了 Alamofire,但是我和其他用户一样有这个错误,我不知道如何解决它。

a busy cat

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Without having the actual project, it is very difficult to tell what the problem is. However, you do have a problem with the code that you have written. This won't compile with the data/string/JSON variable being declared. That "may" be the actual problem. Please try the following and see if that helps.

Alamofire.request(.GET, "http://httpbin.org/get", parameters: ["foo": "bar"])
.response { request, response, data, error in

Alamofire.xcodeproj -> Build Phases -> Complie Sources

If (0 item), then "[+] Alamofire.swift".

It's OK :)

I solved this issue by changing the Build Active Architectures Only settings.

Click on your project in the Project Explorer, select Build Settings, locate Architectures section, and change the Build Active Architecture Only setting to Yes for Debug and No for Release.

Hope this will work for you.

I found this answer and it worked for me:

I had the same problem after installing from cocoapods. Choosing Product | Clean then Product | Build fixed it. enter image description here I selected my project name then the project then. - Clean Cmd+shit+K - Build Cmd+B Strangely enough this worked for me. Good Luck!


If you have this error and you use 'alamofire5' branch just change Alamofire.request to AF.request.

if you are using new Alamofire 5.xxx then you will use AF instead of Almofire it like that

AF.upload(multipartFormData: <#T##(MultipartFormData) -> Void#>, to: <#T##URLConvertible#>)

AF.request(<#T##url: URLConvertible##URLConvertible#>)

AF.download(<#T##url: URLConvertible##URLConvertible#>)