How to use AWS S3 CLI to dump files to stdout in BASH?

I'm starting a bash script which will take a path in S3 (as specified to the ls command) and dump the contents of all of the file objects to stdout. Essentially I'd like to replicate cat /path/to/files/* except for S3, e.g. s3cat '/bucket/path/to/files/*'. My first inclination looking at the options is to use the cp command to a temporary file and then cat that.

Has anyone tried this or similar or is there already a command I'm not finding which does it?

67979 次浏览

Ah ha!

I'm writing more characters to satisfy the length requirement.

If you wish to accomplish this using BASH, you'll have to call-out to an external app such as the AWS Command-Line Interface (CLI). It does not have a CAT equivalent, so you would need to copy the file locally and then CAT it.

Alternatively, you could use/write an app that directly calls the AWS SDK, which is available for languages such as Python, PHP, Java. By using the SDK, file contents can be retrieved in-memory and then sent to stdout.

dump the contents of all of the file objects to stdout.

You can accomplish this if you pass - for destination of aws s3 cp command. For example, $ aws s3 cp s3://mybucket/stream.txt -.

What you're trying to do is something like this? ::


for key in `aws s3api list-objects --bucket $BUCKET --prefix bucket/path/to/files/ | jq -r '.Contents[].Key'`
echo $key
aws s3 cp s3://$BUCKET/$key - | md5sum

If you are using a version of the AWS CLI that doesn't support copying to "-" you can also use /dev/stdout:

$ aws s3 cp --quiet s3://mybucket/stream.txt /dev/stdout

You also may want the --quiet flag to prevent a summary line like the following from being appended to your output:

download: s3://mybucket/stream.txt to ../../dev/stdout

You can try using s3streamcat, it supports bzip, gzip and xz formats as well.

Install with

sudo pip install s3streamcat


s3streamcat s3://bucketname/dir/file_path
s3streamcat s3://bucketname/dir/file_path | more
s3streamcat s3://bucketname/dir/file_path | grep something